regretted effects

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My heavy breathing soon came to an end when I started looking around my surroundings. I was in the woods, were Tyler chased me and then a magical man came to save me.  I pulled myself of the tree and stood up straight in front of the smirking man.

“Who are you?” I asked in a demanding yet quiet voice.

“Well that’s not really important right now,” he said in a thick British accent, “you should get back to your friends, or is it normal for you to be wandering in the woods at night?” he teased.

“listen.” I spoke gaining confidence I never knew I had, “I don’t know who you are, which is really annoying me by the way, but if you didn’t notice some hormonal teenager just chased me into the woods and put himself on me! So no! I don’t just go wandering the woods at night!” I spat back walking away from him and a groaning Tyler.

“Well you didn’t have to come out of the woods did you?” he paused, “was there not one person in there that you could have gone to?” he questioned with a raised eyebrow. He was right but there was no way in hell I was telling him that.

“Sorry if getting caught up in the moment makes me do stupid things!” I retorted.

“Well you should stop.” He said blankly, “there are dangerous things in these woods.”

“Yeah!” I shouted, “I’m talking to one of them!”

“If you have forgotten I have just saved you,” damn he was hot, “or is that pretty little head no more than looks?”

“Whatever” I muttered leaving him standing there and walking back to the house.  Who does he think he is? He might have saved me but that gives him no right to talk to me like that.  GRR I need a drink.

I walked back into the Victorian house picking up the first drink I saw which happened to be tequila. Within 10 minutes I was completely wasted and dancing on tables swaying my hips to the songs.I grabbed the first guy I saw not even knowing who it was and dragged him to the dance floor. He was hot with the darkest brown hair and blue eyes wearing dark blue jeans and a simple black button up shirt. I wasn’t really in the mood for meet and greet so I just turned around and danced with him behind me.

I don’t know how long we were dancing like that for but the next thing I know was Elena dragging me somewhere “I’m sorry about Care,” she spoke to someone in a worried tone, “she’s never normally like this”

I felt sick feeling everything in my stomach, “it was Tyler trying to force himself on me so I ran to the  woods and then meeting a really beautiful stranger that saved me but  wasn’t very nice so I came back to the house, got drunk, danced with a cute guy and here we are.” I giggled wobbling about in Elena’s arms.

She gasped in shock, “Tyler did that to you?” she asked wide eyes, “Who was that stranger Caroline? And why were you in the woods? God you are drunk!” she struggled keeping me up before she put me down on what I think was a chair.

“I’m really sleepy.” I said leaning my head on the back of the chair closing my eyes.

I heard more mumbling before strong hands picked me up and took me somewhere. I really didn’t care at this moment in time so I just put my head back and let sleep take over me.

i woke up not knowing where i was or what time it was. it was still dark meaning i'd woke up during the night with the worst head ache i'd ever had. i couldn't stay here! i didn't have a clue where i was but with the old oak bed and Victorian bookshelf's all around the room i'd say i was still in the Salvatore mansion.I arose from the luxury bed finding my shoes next to the bed. I searched for a clock everywhere but I couldn’t find one so I just slipped out the room and went downstairs walking into the messy living room. I hate awkward mornings so I always left situations like this if possible.

Stepping outside the house an icy blast hit me in the face. I wrapped my hands around myself in attempt to get warm but unluckily it did nothing. Walking along the long road next to a forest the events from earlier came back to memory. I was put of the woods for good now and the fact that I had to walk beside one to get home made me shiver in disgust.

Getting into the middle of the deserted town I headed for my small home on the outskirts on the other side. I walked past a 24 hour café and thought it would be a good time to warm up. Walking inside I saw no one but a waiter listening to music sitting on a chair behind a counter.  I awkwardly coughed trying to get her attention. It worked and she pulled out her earphones. “What can I get you?” she asked politely.

I smiled thanking she was nice, “a strong hot coffee and the time please.” She nodded and left to make the coffee. I took my emergency money out of my bra and put it on the counter waiting patiently for the waiter to return. When she did she handed me a coffee in a to go cup and said that it was just past 3am! Damn I’m in trouble when I go home.

I left the café silently with a coffee in my hand I started heading home. The cold suddenly came back to me as I wished for some source of warmth.

 I had two options; either walk around the woods and taking twice as long as well as getting cold or go through and risk bumping into more creepy strangers. As I was still slightly tipsy I chose the stupid option and started to head through the foliage. Two minutes in I heard rustling around me. I started to panic so I picked up the speed hoping to get out of the woods as quick as possible, although it didn’t really work as I was stopped in my track but the mystery man from earlier.

“So you do wander the woods at night?” he smirked walking closer towards me.

Alcohol still lingered within me and I had a banging headache taking all of my energy, “you have just caught me on a bad day.” I said sighing and trying to walk around the stranger.

“I can tell,” he laughed and I glared at him, “are you alright, love, you don’t look to good?”

“I am fine thanks” sarcastically hissing at him walking through the woods at a quick pace.

“I thought I told you to stop wandering the woods?” he asked deadly serious.

“I don’t listen to strangers,” I said while walking, “especially hot creepy stalkers.” Crap! Did I just call him hot? I need to stop drinking it seems I like to spill everything.

He laughed and the woods came to an end I stopped in front of my house and faced the mystery stranger, “thanks for tonight and everything.” I mumbled feeling kind of grateful that he walked me home and saved me from Tyler. I just really wanted to know who he was.

“It’s quite alright love,” he chuckled, “get some sleep.” Turning around he started to walk away.

“Wait!” I squealed without thinking. He stopped and turned around to face me, “what’s your name?” I asked in a hopeful voice.

“Klaus” he replied bluntly walking away. I smiled as I entered my home trying not to make any noise. I slid quietly into my room crawling under the sheets and drifting off to sleep.


please vote and comment if you want me to keep going with this story, i will not be following the tv show simply using the characters and personalities, i dont know if people like this so please let me know.. .


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