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'Maeve! You're finally back!' Evie yelled as I opened the door and stepped into the house. 'What's that?' 

'A box.' I said walking into the kitchen.

'Maeve!' Skye yelled, her mouth filled with cereal.

'Oh yeah, Skye's here!' Evie said from behind me. I put the box of fish down on the table as Evie examined it's contents.

'What are you doing here?' I asked Skye.

'Girl's night!' She yelled, flailing her arms in the air. She always got hyper at night.

'But you know we don't have any snacks, or a T.V, or wifi here. Why couldn't we have it at your house?'

'Becaaaauuuseee... We're going to get REAL tonight!' She sing-sang.

'What does that mean...?' I asked, suspicion growing inside me as I watched Evie poke the box of fish with her staff.

'It means we haven't talked in forever!' She exclaimed, crouching down to my size and throwing an arm around my shoulder.

'But... we spoke in school today.' I said. flicking her arm off my shoulder.

'You know what I mean!' She snapped. 'Speaking of school... where did you go? EVERYONE was talking about you, girl! And I mean, Sha Lin, Lex, Zhin... Even Ying!'

'The prostitute?'

'She is not a prostitute! It's not even our business... But... did you hear that she hooked up with Mr. Barik? The metalwork teacher? For 350 gold or something... Who does that?'

'Wouldn't you like to know...' I mumbled, remembering that her own sister was doing the exact same thing with my boss. 'Anyways, are you going to Siege tomorrow?'

'Hell yeah! I'm gonna show off my newly found speed! Andro will be proud! You?'

'Don't really have a choice, do I?'

We spent the rest of the night chatting and half the time Skye was just blabbing on about Androxus and how cute he looks without his mask on. After a while we both drifted off to sleep, forgetting the we had the responsibility of looking after my younger cousin...

 After a while we both drifted off to sleep, forgetting the we had the responsibility of looking after my younger cousin

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