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You wake up from the sound of your phone, you notice someone is calling you and you see that it's Jeongyeon. You immediately answer and say hi, she says hi and that she won't be home by tommorow because she just got more stuff to do. Your sad on the inside but decide to just stay happy and tell her that she is fine and when she gets back that you guys will have the biggest date ever. You hang up and just lay in bed sad that you won't see Jeongyeon for another 2 days.

You don't have work today so you decide to just buy coffee and then go back home to waste the day watching tv. You reach the coffee shop and see Lisa their, you try to hide your face so she won't see you but when your about to leave she calls you over to join her. You join her and you don't say anything, she then tells you if you actually have a girlfriend. What she said caught you off guard but you say yes and that she will be back in two days. Lisa ask if she can meet her but you say that depends because she is really shy.

You don't know what to do because now you got yourself in a mess and you don't want Jeongyeon's career ruined because of you. She looks like she doesn't believe you but you stay quiet. You then remember that Henry has a crush on Lisa and so you can get Lisa off of you, you decide to try to talk about Henry's good points so she will start liking him but then you remember that you barely know Henry so you can't say anything about him.

Both of you are silent until you hear someone call Lisa's voice, you see a guy behind Lisa and ask who he is and she says it's her boyfriend. You are shocked because you thought she was hitting on you, you then think it could be a tease but it could be real. You decide to introduce yourself to him and he says his name is mark, you decide to say bye to both of them and decide to tell Henry that Lisa has a boyfriend when you see him at work. You know he will be sad but you don't want him to embarrass himself when he finds out.

You go home and decide to just go to bed early because their is to much stuff going on and you just want to forget everything bad and just have a nice simple life with the love of your life. You go to bed thinking about Jeongyeon and that future date.
Thanks for reading part 12 of my story and I hope you enjoyed it.

Sorry for not publishing a new part I was honestly lazy but then I went to the beach and then I went to a camp for school and school is about to start again. I will try to upload another one today or tomorrow but I have a lot of stuff to do.

I do accept request for a one shot series I'm thinking about doing so just ask. (Check the request part if you want to request and it should tell you the groups I can do.)

Thanks for reading and have a nice day. 💖

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