Tord was a mess. Panting, whining, and softly moaning. Holding onto Tom tightly, he felt how big Tom actually was. It was twice the size of his toy he used. He panted out softly and groaned. "T-tom... Holy shit your so b-big." He closed his eyes and tried to hold still. It hurt a little, but it felt good as well. He bit onto Tom's shoulder, stifling a whine. He was doing all he could to adjust, but it was driving him up the wall. "Faen..." He mumbked into toms shoulder. Every tiny movement sent Sparks of pleasure up and down his spine. The small norski gripped onto the brit to the best he could and tried to even his breathing. "I-i think I'm good..." He mumbled and pulled back to look to tom, his grey eyes wide.
TomTord (instagram rp)
FanfictionTord starts off in the hospital, and when he gets home, things change.