Tom had quickly went to the laundry room first, squirting whatever soap onto the bloody areas on the sweater before he thrown it into a wash. Tom then went to the bathroom, since it was the closest and went looking for whatever he could to put on the wounds to keep it clean. Tom eventually found scented vasoline, he looked at it with concern before he took it with him to find Tord's pills. It upset the male that Tord hasn't been taking his medicines. He would have thought Edd would have been taking care of him. Mainly because he was more mature then them.. Tom got up on a stool and grabbed the bags of pills that held Tord's name on it. Tom then rushed back to his room. Wanting to finish with what had to be done before he was able to relax. Which was finish cleaning and wrapping Tord's bandage, fix Tord's medicine- have Tord take his medicine, put Tord to sleep, then be able to release by himself. Tom walked into his room. "I got all the shit-" Tom called out as he walked back over To the bed and took out the vasoline. "It's cherry scented-" Tom teased as he grabbed a huge blob into his hand before warming it in his hands. Making sure it was soft and warmed to his touch. He was about to started to gently dab it onto Tord's stitches until he realized he should have had Tord take his pain medicine. "..." Tom stared at his hands before he looked up at Tord. "You should take your pain medicine first-.. do you want to open the bottle and take it yourself or do you want me to just wash my hands and get it myself?" Tom asked as he held his hand out.
TomTord (instagram rp)
FanfictionTord starts off in the hospital, and when he gets home, things change.