CP - Growing up

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So, I'm back - here I am.

I'm sitting in the living room of my Dad's new house on a Saturday night watching a generic reality show... umm... If you must know, it's Britiain's Got Talent. Right that's enough, if I tell you any more, I think that you may hunt me down and try and make me right a book about you.

I know totally weird... but rumours have come out at school that I am writing a story called 'Nicotine Clouds' (not name-dropping at all) and there is a girl in my form that has the same name... she thinks that it's about her. Too bad. She's mistaken. It's about a girl with the same name - I'm not admitting anymore.

Only that they have the same hair and eye colour. OK? Happy now?


Thought so.

Let's carry on, shall we?

A lot has taken place since I have last posted, and you must be tired of my apolygising because of the gaps... so ... I won't.



My exam season is just around the corner. That is a very literal term, as they all start in two days time, and for the week coming up I have six exams (deserves bold and italics because I have to say that that must be way too much brain power required for a small person like me to output), and then for three weeks after that I have constant exams. And then I finish on the 19th of July!

Just after the hardest maths exam of my life. YAY.

What I have after is the amazing part. Me and my friends have a twelve week summer break this year before we start college... we can FINALLY do whatever we want! However, I may be getting ahead of myself - at the moment I am trying to find a summer job, against my will of course.

I have bought my prom suit, and our transport is already organised.

Ohhhhh, the lil' weird guy on the 'net is growing up... I know exactly what you're thinking. And, you are right, I am.

That four-inches that I have grown (in height - I KNOW YOU HAVE DIRTY MINDS) over the last year since my op has really made me feel a lot more mature.

*I'm sure that my mum and dad would think otherwise*

Anyway, I think the subconcious purpose of this post is to say goodbye for now: to be honest I'm gonna be totally jammed for AGES and I don't want you guys expecting the great standard of writing that I have delivered before.


So... bye. I'll be back.

*cue emotional goodbye.*

NOOOOO, DON'T GET OUT THE BLACK VEIL! WHAT HAVE I TOLD YOU ABOUT THAT? It's not as if I'm dying you know! You can still shed some tears for me, but I think that that is a bit far.

*goes off into the distance (preferably in sunset) in a '60s Ford Mustang (preferably a convertible)


(trying not to smile behind fake tears, but I will come back though...eventually. Maybe when absolutely no one uses this site anymore haha)

P.S: remember that growing up with CP isn't that bad as any other physical disabilities as it doesn't get worse. For people out there in the big wide world that are just like me - try your best, and as you grow up you will learn to adapt and get used to it. Trust me - I know. Keep on top of your physio: it's there for a reason. Good luck with the rest of school. You never know, I might get back before then.



Give up.

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