The Dawn Begs

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When I reached the edge
of the planet
my feet turned back
but my heart
took a giant leap
and I returned to the place
where I had
fallen fast asleep

watching myself
for a moment
I realized
I had nowhere left
to go
and so I gently
woke myself
and tried to remember
where I had been

It was dark yet
and so difficult to see
It was futile
so I tried
to lay back down
but the dreamspace
was too crowded now
and my pillow
would not have me

I stood up
and followed my feet
leading me to coffee
and a sunrise
I hoped
would wait on me

But it didn't
and I woke up
on the couch
to the smell of caffeine
and the stares
of a curious
and quite hungry cat

But that's when
the universe spoke
and the words
poured out
onto the page
of my heart
and I collected them
all for you

As the morning star fades
and night bows to day
I write all these things
that the dawn begs I say

(August 15th, 2017)

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