A Man A Plan A Canal Panama

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A man from PanamA
Made a plan without a shaM
And began by telling his mA
Never had she heard such a plaN
After all it had some chutzpA
Perhaps they could draw up a maP
Lay out the lines to see it alL
And pour themselves some tequilA
Next they showed this great plaN
Around to the people of PanamA
Consultants looked up the zodiaC
And worried for the mojarrA
Nobody knew who to lay this oN
All decided to hold a CabalA
Leave it to the man who started it alL
Plans like this were easy on the liP
A chance to change Central AmericA
Now the council wanted to ruN
And yet it would be a bonanzA
Many years since that dreaM
A canal stands now in PanamA

(November 14th, 2017)

a/n: So we were doing an acrostic challenge for the big Poet's Pub challenge and this idea hit me to incorporate a palindrome into that idea. A palindrome is a word or phrase that is spelled exactly the same forward as backward. I decided to use a very well known palindrome here. And I spelled it out as the first letter going down (and up) the front and end of each line so that the end result is that you can read the acrostic up and down both ends of this poem. The title of the poem is that palindrome.

I would like to dedicate this poem to my grandmother who passed away a few years ago now. She was the one who inspired me to have a love of words. We spent many hours playing Boggle and Scrabble or working a Jumble Word puzzle

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