The Real Plan

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A/N: Thank you so much for the continuous support and encouragement! I appreciate every single one of you beautiful people. When I started writing this, I never imagined any kind of interest from you guys, I just had to scratch the itch in my mind. Please, feel free to suggest, comment, or anything, I am very open to all your opinions. Thank You! Btw, #PhaYo wins but lemme bridge everything first. I hope you guys enjoy!

<Pha's POV>

What is happening to me? Why can't I just tell him that I like him? Well, I guess it's not as easy as coming up to him face to face and then blurting out, "I like you N'Yo!" Let's be real, I'm not even sure if he's into dudes because I couldn't even read his reaction when we smacked against each other earlier. I just hope I have a chance.

I had the opportunity just a couple of minutes ago but I didn't grab it. What a shame for the great Phana! You, who is regarded as one of the toughest boys in this school, can't even admit to the love of your life what you really feel. Now I'm just walking away from what could have been our moment, I'm such a loser.

Although, I did score earlier this morning. That was the best moment of my life even if it was just under the pretense of a joke and nothing else. I should have done this sooner because it felt so good that I still can remember every single detail of this perfect plan.

It all started in the minutes before school starts when me and my two bestfriends were chilling. I hatched this scheme with Beam and Kit as we were on the watch for a victim for a prank. Of course I made sure that Yo and Ming were the ones who are gonna be targeted. So when I saw them at the gate, I grinned and announced that Shorty will be our lucky mark.

Beam: "Are you sure you just don't don't like that kid, Ai'Pha? Because you sure are making a big deal every time you see him! Are you in love? Hahahaha!"

Kit: "Ai'Beam has a point there boss, you even asked us to trail that guy and make sure to learn his name."

Pha: "Think whatever you want but I'm sure as hell that I don't like him. He just interests me and look at how clumsy he is gorging on that sandwich that his boyfriend gave him. Such a slob, that kid."

Beam: "Whatever, if you say so."

I was dreading everything that's coming out of my mouth right now. Number one, I really really really like the kid and by like, I mean like "like." Number two, he is not clumsy, he's cute and delicate, and all things precious. Oh and the way that he is eating that sandwich, I wish he's eating me instead haha. Then, number three, I know that tall kid with him is just a friend. Besides, the only one that should be his boyfriend is me. If only I could tell my friends that I like a boy, but they'll tease me to death so for now, I'll keep this to myself.

Pha: "Guys, let's see if he really is clumsy. Here's the plan, the way he's walking right now, he can easily be tripped and the boyfriend (ugh that word again, I hate myself) isn't paying attention too because he's busy with the phone. So I'll come up to him and try to let him fall"

Beam and Kit: "Okay boss!"

And so, it happened as it did. He turned while I was a bit crouched so our faces were at the same level. Beam and Kit were behind me so they didn't exactly know what was going on but for me I adjusted my height perfectly to match Shorty's. As our faces were directly and exactly smacked to each other, I moved in for the kill. I sighed a short prayer and planted a fast kiss on his lips.

I have never felt anything like this before, and mind you I have kissed a lot of girls too. When our lips touched, I could really feel how smooth and soft it was, no girl can compare. I inhaled his scent, and lingered as long as I can, that time felt like it stood still. Warm and luscious lips with a hint of, hmmmm, ham? Maybe the sandwich he was eating earlier, but it couldn't mask the flavor that is Wayo Panitchayasawad.

Sadly, it had to end and I had to pretend that it didn't happen. One thing I do know for sure, at this very moment onwards, I am irrevocably addicted to this boy.

Pha: "Come on Shorty, take my hand. Let me help you stand up,"

I told him that while helping him, and to my surprise, he let me. Although, he did make sure I know he was pissed. And another surprise, I asked him if he liked the kiss. Wtf! It was like I couldn't control myself but I can't do this now, so I played it off. Another stupid move Pha. 

The plan went without a hitch but I had to go acting like a jerk and he got mad. He even held onto his guy's arm as he stormed off. When I saw that, I swear I was ready to run after them, punch the tall one, and just kidnap N'Yo. But I can't and it's my fault so I have to make it up another time.

During lunch, I ran from my building to his so I can talk to him about everything that happened, and to apologize mainly. I saw him sitting with his friend and I decided to sit next to their table. He noticed me so I started to explain to him that I didn't want to embarrass him or anything like that. But my Yo is so stubborn.

Oh and I saw that he was drinking pink milk which made me smile involuntarily. Such a girly drink but the reason why it was funny to me is because I was drinking the same thing this morning just before our "accidental" kiss. I wonder if he tasted something sweet when I smacked into him. Makes me giddy just thinking about it. Our lips touching, tasting each other.

Alas, shy little me was never brave enough to tell him EVERY thing but that'll do for now. I'm late as it is and the two guys will kill me if I don't catch up to them on time. I was walking away when I suddenly remembered that my phone was on the table so I had to go back.

What I saw had me frozen on the spot. Yo was still there but he's not alone anymore, he's talking to Forth! I know him because we both play football in school. He has a reputation to be very charming among girls, and boys. He was gesturing to the pink milk! Was he the one who gave him that? That explains the little note on the glass. Was he trying to flirt with my little Yo?

I can feel my blood rushing to my head and my hand tightening into a fist

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I can feel my blood rushing to my head and my hand tightening into a fist. I should do something about this before he tries anything funny. No one takes my man away from me!!!

A/N: So what do you guys think?  It's more narration than our usual conversation type scenarios. Is it okay or too much narrative? I wanted to show Pha's perspective on all the things that happened and I wanted him to see Yo and Forth being all buddy buddy with each other. The seed of jealousy has been planted. What do you think will our campus crush do?

It Started with a Joke ( 2 Moons | Pha Yo | Ming Kit | Forth Beam )Where stories live. Discover now