My Ming

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<Yo's POV>

I went to school as fast as I could, the memory of that kiss during breakfast still replaying in my mind. I loved how P'Pha looked so surprised when I ran back and kissed him. The look of shock on his face was so precious that I wanted to frame it, and the sweet sweet taste of his lips mixing with the saltiness of the bacon was just so... good. God, I am so in love with this guy. I really wish that we could be together until the very end.

When I got to school, my trusty bestfriend was not in sight. I try to look for him at the cafeteria and our regular haunts. I see him sitting alone on the bleachers seemingly thinking to himself. I try to approach him and startle him from behind.

Yo: "HaAAAaaAAa!"

Ming: ...

I know he got startled since he jumped a bit but he just looked at me and walked away. Wait. Is Ming mad at me?

Yo: "Ming! Hey, Mingkwan!? What's the problem. Are you sick or something?"

He just looked at me, seemingly pissed and not in the mood for talking. He walked faster and faster until I couldn't keep up with him. He has really long legs so our pace just steadily became farther and farther.

I arrived at the classroom just as the teacher started to discuss the day's lessons. I was looking at Ming right next to me and he just treated me like wind. Ironic because Wayo, my name, means wind. Something is definitely wrong. I haven't seen Ming this mad before. I spent the class trying to get his attention, I prodded him, poked him, flicked him, hell, I even squeezed Ming junior. He just looked at me ludicrously and continued to "listen" to the teacher if he was even paying attention to those boring subjects.

Lunch time, I decided to get to the bottom of this nonsense. When the bell rang, all the kids ran out of the classroom but Ming was still sitting alone. I went straight to him and stood right in front of him. I held his hand. I was pleading.

Yo: "Ming, I don't know what's happening but I don't like it one bit. You have been my friend since we were kids and you ignoring me is killing me right now. I don't care what's the reason but don't you think that you have to talk to me about it so we can take care of whatever's wrong?"

He did not answer me. He still just looked on like there is no one talking to him. I knew Ming was one of those people who really don't talk to you if they're mad at you. My eyes started to well up with tears, I hated this. My breathing catches and I just want to shout at the top of my lungs. My friend, my bestest friend is not talking to me. He didn't even wince.

*For as long as I can remember, Ming was my only bestfriend. When I was younger, I really wouldn't be what you call a very sociable kid. I met Ming through our parents, he was the son of a wealthy partner. We hit it off immediately because as I was shy, he was very outspoken. He even had my back when we went to first grade at the same school.

I was always lugging around this blanket that my mom gave to me when she was still alive. It was the world to me since I can smell my mom's perfume through it. Some kids were making fun of me, teasing me for being a big baby. They pushed me and tried to pull my blanky from me. I cried but tried my best not to let go of my precious blanket.

All of a sudden, he was there and tried to help me. Ming pushed them back, threatening to call the teacher. They all ran away while Ming was shouting and sticking his tongue out at them. He pulled me up and kissed my forehead. He said that he found it cute that I had a blanky and anyone who tries to take it away will answer to him. He held my hand to the playground, and from then on, we were inseparable. *

Now, I'm standing in front of my first and only true friend. Pleading him to try and talk to me. It was hard for me, I just wish he would take my hand again, like before. I decided that I wouldn't give up. I winged it. Holding his hand tightly, I pulled him to stand up. Believe me it was not an easy thing because Ming was a giant but I was able to. I hugged him tight, so tight like I could never let go.

Yo: "When we were young, I resolved to myself and the world that you will be one of the most important persons in my life. I will never let you go. Even if you wanted me to. You are like a brother. Life without you, is not the life that I am dreaming of."

He coughed. I looked at him and he seemed be less serious. He lightened up, he started talking but he seemed to choke at first but he was able to recover right away.

Ming: "Well, it took you a long time to see that

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Ming: "Well, it took you a long time to see that. I have been patient this past few days but you have been ignoring me. I know that you're having a great time between your P'Pha and even P'Forth but I want to remind you who the first guy in your life should be."

Yo: "I am so sorry! I know I have been neglecting you a bit because of a lot of things have been happening to me but know that it does not change the fact that you are my bestfriend Ming. I love you first. You are my brother."

I told him all about P'Pha and what had happened. Every single detail even the things that happened with P'Forth. He listened intently and asked a few questions. He was smiling most of the time and he even patted me for kissing P'Pha and making the first move. He stood up.

He hugged me again, smiling. He slipped away from the embrace, looked at me straight, and then kissed my forehead, just like that time.

Ming: "Always remember, I am the guy who will always be here. I am your bestfriend. You can never get rid of me. Any guy that hurts you will answer to me if they hurt you." It reminded me of the day he protected me that very first time. I remember the bestfriend that treated me like family. I remember Mingkwan, my Ming.

I smiled at him. He pulled my hand and we walked to the cafeteria. He demanded that I treat him for lunch since he had been eating alone for days now. I agreed, I know that he may be smiling but all those time, he must have been sad.

As we were walking, he suddenly stopped, "Ai'Yo, is he big? I mean, bigger than me? I remember you had a hard time grasping my junior in that tent that night." He snickered.

I blushed and turned beet red. I slapped his back and screamed at him, "Ai'Ming! That was one time. I hate you you know."

I walked away but he caught up to me. He ruffled my hair and just laughed out loud.

He is my bestfriend. We do things together. We love each other. He is my brother. My confidant. Oh and the story about the tent? That's for another time. *wink

A/N: Hey lovely people. I was out for a few days but I'm back. Still gonna update this thread so continue to show the love. How did you like our little ghost ship? I wanted to focus on MingYo friendship and skinship because they also look so cute together. I love them both. I feel that they could work together too. I wish that you were teased a bit. But as we said it's a ghost ship, all it could blossom into is a cute bromance. I hope that's okay with you guys. As usual, vote, comment, and share! Much love peeps!

It Started with a Joke ( 2 Moons | Pha Yo | Ming Kit | Forth Beam )Where stories live. Discover now