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I woke up to the sound of my alarm, which was my favorite song. I smiled a small smile and turned it off, playing my morning playlist. I quickly changed into my favorite outfit, which was a loose gray crop top on top of a black tank top, accompanied by the gold shooting star necklace someone had given me, ripped skinny jeans, and my Katniss boots.

Grabbing my pre-packed backpack, I stuffed my lunch into it, checking the app that monitored the timeline on my way out, double checking that the door was locked. I put in my earbuds, playing Sorry by Halsey, feeling something in my chest and stomach.

I felt a little relieved as my phone told me there was no activity over night and none predicted today. I put my phone into my pocket and put my hands in my pockets, looking at the park. I felt like I remembered something, an event that had happened there, I could almost picture it, almost pin it but. . . Nothing came to me.

Not even the best author could have brought back the memories so I could see them where I walked. I had even tested that out.

I shook my head, trying to figure out where this glum feeling came from. Then, I remembered, I remembered the skeleton who had visited my house yesterday. I stopped as tears welled up in my eyes. I touched the ones that dribbled down my face, confused. I didn't feel bad; they weren't helping me by acting the way they were.

But. . . My mind knew something I didn't. I hadn't cried like this for the time I could remember. I quickly brought my phone back out as it buzzed, a notification from the app. I cursed under my breath a little bit as it was predicted to be in a few minutes, at my house.

I called up the police under the not emergency number, and they recognized my voice. They knew me, but I knew them, too.

"Hi, I just wanted to let you know that we might have a break in the timeline today. At my address, in a few minutes. Could someone be there in case anything bad happened?" I nervously kicked at the ground.

"Of course, Frisk! We already have your address and we are sending someone over as we speak. I will call you back if anything bad happens if I don't call me after school and we'll give you a report. Sound good, love?"

"Yeah, that sounds good," I paused for a second, "Sorry for being a burden."

"You are not a burden, dear! These things happen. After what happened to you, and why, and with all these events happening. . . Well, we really love your input. The app isn't as quick to update us as you, you know."

I laughed anxiously, "I-I know. I can get that changed, i-if you want?"

"No, it's alright. I look forward to our little calls. Don't tell anyone, though."

I could hear her smiling at the other end, and I smiled, "I won't. Thanks, again."

"No problem. Now get on with your day, lovely. We'll take care of this."

"Mhm," I smiled and hung up, rushing to the bus stop now.

The last student had just gotten on as I turned the corner. I began to full on book it to the bus, making it just on time before the bus driver closed the doors. I drew my bus pass from my back pocket and scanned it, rushing to the back, never feeling comfortable under the gaze of the watching humans and monsters.

They all looked away as the bus started moving again and I felt a strong wave of relief. They didn't know me. They had no right to burn anxiety into my skin. They didn't know anything and they needed to look away.

"Yo, Frisk! Did you hear what happened with Chara?" MK asked me, seeming loud in the even louder bus.

"No. . .?" I replied shyly.

"She got her leg cast off! Just in time for the new school year, ay?" He nudged me with his shoulder, grinning wide.

I smiled back, "That's awesome."

"I can finally jump on her back again! Ooh, Asriel and I will have to prank her or something. She's way more fun now!"

I laughed lightly, "I bet."

Asriel, MK, and Chara, those were the few people I trusted. The moment I got back to, well, living, they acted like things hadn't changed, but they let me come back to them. They would say hi and act like friends, but they would never push it.

I let them back in the fastest. I think that's why Sans and Alphys and the others were hurt, but they also didn't realize the time that I took to analyze what they were doing. I carefully planned each step I took in becoming their friend again and letting them in.

I had to be careful, especially after what had happened.

"Frisk, are you okay?" MK snapped me back from my thoughts.

"Hm? Oh, yeah, just thinking."

"Okay! Cause you were doing that whole staring into space and not responding to anything that's happening around you thing again. It's kinda scary, sometimes." It was his turn to laugh nervously.

I looked past him and out the window for a second, "I know it is."

We pulled up to the school and everyone stood up. MK and I stayed put, alongside most of the rear of the bus, knowing that this would take a while.

I could see Asriel and Chara waiting out front amongst the crowd, waiting for either the doors to open or for the teachers to let us in.

It took less time than I expected for the front to file out and everyone at the back started making their way off the bus, MK and I the last two to be off. Asriel and Chara trotted over to us, greeting us with enthusiasm.

"It feels so good to run finally, without that clunky cast slowing me down!" Chara relished in her victory.

"It feels good to finally be able to do this!" MK jumped on her back, making her giggle and protest before he eventually fell off gracefully, all four of us burst out laughing.

"You're such a juvenile delinquent!" She tried to insult him.

"Why, thank you! I'll be here all week."

Chara made an angry grunt and the three of us laughed, her now shorter temper amusing.

"Calm down there, it was just a joke. Wait until the pranks," I winked at her.

"Pranks?!" MK and Asriel giggled at her shout, and we all headed in, the doors opening sometime during that intervention.

I stopped in my tracks as I realized something, as I remembered something from the present. The three others stopped and looked at me strangly.

"Frisk, what's wrong?" Asriel asked warily.

"The police. . . They don't. . ." I had suddenly remembered something from my dream, something that had confused me.

In my dream I had felt relieved despite there being police cars all around my house, alongside a crowd gathered outside of the police tape. They had taken me into the house and showed me something. . . Someone, handcuffed. I now remembered; it was Error.

And despite that dream, despite it probably meaning nothing, my stomach sank as I realized they would not win against Error. I quickly called the non-emergency line, specifically the number to the lady I had spoken with before, but no one picked up.

"Frisk, what's wrong? What are you thinking?" Chara asked.

They all walked up beside me as I said slowly, "The police are at my house, but I think Error is too. He might have. . . He might have killed them. And he might be on his way."

Under Water 2: The Red Harren [completed]Where stories live. Discover now