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Frisk's POV:

I walked into the salon, looking around, taking in the obvious scent of hairspray and perfume. It made my eyes water a little bit before I was swamped by the three drama queens.

"How did this happen, Frisk?!" Bratty howled, looking at the uneven strands.

"A glitch kind of, tried to kill me? But missed and got my hair?" It was a little difficult to explain.

They herded me over to a chair and all talked about what haircut I should get.

"Can't I just get a bob?" I requested, my voice small and overwhelmed.

Catty looked at me, thinking it over, "You would look cute with a bob. . ."

"But she always had long hair, we can't let it on that something terrible happened!" Bratty replied.

"I've actually wanted short hair for a long time. . ." I stared at the ground.

The three girls went silent, staring at me for a few seconds.

The stylist who had presumably been on the phone leaned close to me, handing me a magazine with short haircuts.

"Let me know when you have a style picked out," She smiled gently at me.

I smiled back before skimming through the book, swiftly finding a haircut that I liked.

Apparently, some of my body languages gave this fact away because the hairstylist walked back over and asked me, "Have you found something you like?"

I nodded and pointed to a haircut where one side, which would be my right side, was shaved and the other side had the hair draped over the other side, going at a bit of an angle to give depth. The girl nodded and glanced back at Catty and Bratty, who were still bickering about the hair-mergency.

They went silent and sat down in the two nearby chairs, intently watching the girl as she started, her hands a tad shaky. Probably the reason she was being watched, if I was being truthful here.

My mind drifted back to the fight, what Nightmare had said, what happened to Chara. I had to get her back, and soon. I wouldn't allow them to just. . . take someone away like that. I couldn't allow it.

I glanced up from my lap for a second, seeing how the process was going. I felt uneasy about this decision, always having long hair for the past twenty-one years. Though, if it was time for a change, it would be this year. With the whole reinvention thing I was going through for the past year.

The girl moved to my left more than the right, signaling to me that she was about to even out the rest of my hair. It had been ten minutes, so far, since all she had to do for the right was shave it all off.

I closed my eyes, fidgeting even more with the ring on my finger, something that I had no memory of getting. Though, Undyne had told me it was from someone, someone who I hadn't seen in many years.

I couldn't clearly recall the conversation; there had been an attack just that day and the lack of sleep and depressive thoughts were still overpowering my brain.

I decided I would call Undyne about it later; this really bugged me, for some reason.

"You can open your eyes," The girl's voice was a bit muffled in my buzzing brain, but I opened my eyes and stared into the mirror.

"Who is this stranger?" Catty sang in my ear, making me jump a little bit.

I smiled, though, because, honestly. . . It looked really good. I had never seen myself as a really short haircut person, but I totally was.

"You look sooooo good, Frisk!" Bratty jumped up and down on the spot a little bit.

I smiled, getting up, glancing down at the floor as the girl swept it up, "Wow, didn't realize I had that much hair."

The girl swiped her hair from her face, revealing two snake looking eyes, something I had noticed before in her moderately urban teenager appearance, "I was just as surprised as you." She laughed a little bit.

I laughed too, looking around, "You could do musical numbers in here, with all the different colors and people."

Catty put a paw on my shoulder, "You honestly thought we didn't do musical numbers in here?"

I glanced over to Bratty, an eyebrow raised, "What? Why didn't you invite me? We all know how much of a musical geek I am."

We made our way over to the counter, me grabbing out my wallet, the four of us still chatting.

"I remember you put it as part of the must-haves for employee's," The girl giggled.

"Yup; employees must be musically educated or prepared to spontaneously break out into song." Catty quoted.

I laughed and tapped my credit card, putting my wallet away, quickly checking my phone.

"Good lord," I smiled at the spam of text messages from Sans, all begging for photos of the new hair.

"I knew it!" Bratty was looking over my shoulder.


"Fiiiine," Catty handed over a twenty dollar bill.

"What is this?" I asked, crossing my arm's sassily.

"We had a bet on who you would end up with," Bratty said with pride, "And I won!"

"Hey, Monster Kid had a good chance," Catty replied accusingly.

"Suuure, he did, suuure." Bratty narrowed her eyes at the cat a little bit.

Catty mrowed and went to defend herself. They flung themselves into a heated debate, and I left before I was dragged into it, calling my goodbye.

The girl waved, Catty and Bratty shouting a goodbye between the dispute.

I sighed I got out, heading for the bus stop, tapping my foot to the beat of one of my numerous Feel Good playlists.

I may be powerless right now, but I would get Chara back, no matter what it took.

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