chapter two

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//(Y/N) in body of Taehyung//
I paced around Taehyung's room as I thought of the situation at hand. I was Taehyung, I take a peak at the mirror as I pass by, so who is he? This seems so familiar, like a movie. I ran a hand through my hair, or more like Taehyung's hair. As my hand hit the nape of my neck, it kept going as if it was anticipating more hair.

This is freaky. How? was the only thought that crossed my mind. Should I go to school? Is anyone in this house right now? Parents?

A heard a phone ring beyond the door. I let it ring for a while thinking someone would get it but no one did. Weird.

I slowly opened the door and peeked out the door. Okay, I need to hurry before the phone stops ringing. I followed the noise to the kitchen where the phone was charging.

I tried not to make too much noise as I moved to the countertop near the fridge. The caller ID read Jimin.

I know him. He was Taehyung's friend and he was just like him. Wild nights and no commitment. The thing I admired about him was his talent in modern dance.

I disconnected the phone and slid the answer button hesitantly. "Hello?" I heard Taehyung's deep voice come out.

"Hey Taetae, how are you feeling? I know yesterday night was rough." He sounded worried. It was an emotion I hadn't heard from him before.

"It was?" I stood confused but quickly tried to recover. I knew I couldn't give myself away. "I mean, yeah, I-I feel a lot better. I almost forgot." I nervously laughed at the end, instinctively tucking Taehyung's too short hairs behind my ear.

Jimin chucked deeply, "you seemed upset yesterday so I just wanted to check up on you. Just try to not think of her anymore, Taehyung."

"I won't." My voice rose up at the last word. I become more confused as the conversation goes on.

"Come to school today. I'm bored and I heard that Jin's throwing a party on Saturday. Three day weekend, you know!" Jimin seemed to perk up a bit. I hummed in agreement.

"Yeah okay," I sighed. "See you soon." I hung up. Now I have to go to school I can't let people know I'm me and not Taehyung.
I stood at the school entrance. I had the boy's uniform on. A white button up shirt with a navy blue tie, a navy blue blazer with the school's logo on the chest pocket, and navy blue pants. It was a hassle to put on. I tried not to look at any of Taehyung's body as I put it on.

The halls were full of students chatting away. I hurried to my locker. When I got there, I put in my combination and started to take out my books for my first class.

"Uh, Taehyung? Why are you taking stuff out of (Y/N)'s locker?" I turned to see Hana standing there with her arms crossed and an eyebrow raised.

"Oh, sorry! I was just-" I tried to explain before I got cut off.

"He was just getting me m-my books. I thought I was going to be late because of traffic," It was me. But how? "Come on, Taehyung. I need to talk to you. It's important."

The other (Y/N) then took my hand and walked into an empty classroom. "(Y/N), something strange is happening." They said.

"What do you mean? How do you know that I'm not Taehyung?" I bit my lip. The other me shook her head and crossed her arms.

"You haven't figured this out?" I shook my head. "I'm Taehyung, now I'm you. I'm in your body."

So a switch? "But how?" I wondered with wide eyes. Taehyung shrugged.

"I don't know either" I sat at a desk. "Look, (Y/N). I know this is weird, believe me. I had to put on this uniform and that was so awkward, but we'll fix this. Somehow." I grabbed Taehyung's forearm, or I guess my forearm.

"This is going to be hard. What do I need to do to be more like you?" I asked.

He thought for a second. "Just act like I normally do. I don't really care about much, just mimic that." He finished.

"Okay. You can act like I always do. I haven't changed much since our friendship and you know how I was." I looked up at Taehyung from the desk to meet my (e/c) eyes instead of the usual dark brown eyes Taehyung has.

"We can meet up after school to talk about this (Y/N)," He told me. He bent down and got my books out of my bag. Then took his books out of my bag to give to me. "Here's my school schedule." He tossed it at me.

"Mine's in my math book. You have it." I opened it for him. I stood up and moved away from him. Wow, he really doesn't know how to style hair. I looked at the half up half down he did. The ponytail part was so far to the left it looked like to was coming from the side of my head.

"At least try to do my hair correctly, Taehyung!" I groaned. I was still surprised when a deep voice would come out of me.

I walked to Taehyung and took out the ponytail part. I fixed it and stepped back to admire my work. It looks good! I look at Taehyung's or my face to see it has a light pink blush. I smiled and let a soft laugh.

"Let's get to class." Taehyung says.
The clock ticked and ticked. Each tick would make my dread increase. Just end already, I thought to myself. Lunch was only 5 minutes away and Ms.Choi kept talking about quadratics in her monotone voice.

I had a hand on cheek as I chewed on my lip. I felt eyes looking at me from behind. I turned to see Kim Minji looking at me with a smirk on her face.

Kim Minji was a popular girl who got invited to everything anyone hosted. She knew how beautiful she was and knew how to get what she wanted. This didn't make her all bad though. She was an intelligent student and was part of the welcoming committee.

She winked at me then looked up at the board. I gulped and turned back to look at what Ms.Choi was writing."Alright class, homework is posted and remember there is a quiz on Tuesday so study!" She ended with just as the bell rang.

I threw all my things in my backpack. The door was full of people like me, we were all trying to get out. So I waited so the door wasn't as full. I looked out the window.

I felt a tap on my shoulder. It was Minji tapping me with her manicured french tip nails. "Y-yes, Minji?" I asked, tugging at my collar. She smiled up at me, seeing as I was a good 7 inches taller than her, being Taehyung.

"So I was thinking, how about we hang today after school. You know, since I couldn't yesterday." She purred. She had a voice that was as smooth as silk.

"Um... I'm sorry I can't tonight I'm a little busy." I fidgeted with the end of my shirt. She smiled at me. A little unexpected, I thought.

"I know what's going on," She sang teasingly. I furrowed my eyebrows at her. "It's you and (Y/N), don't tell me you're back with her!" She yelled out. Good thing the class is empty.

"We weren't together from the beginning, Minji." I deadpanned.

"Whatever, I know you! You totally wanted to. It's fine hang with (Y/N), have fun!" She walked passed me, letting me smell her vanilla perfume. "Bye,Tae!"

What does she mean, Taehyung wanted to?
"Taehyung! There you are." Taehyung called out. I was at his locker putting his things away. I shut the locker with a quiet slam.

"Hey, Tae-(Y/N). You ready to go?" I asked. He nodded and grabbed my wrist, pulling me to the school parking lot. My cheeks flush in a light pink. "You totally wanted to!" I keep thinking of what Minji had said.

Taehyung had unlocked his car and was starting to get in when I heard Hana's voice behind me. "(Y/N), don't we have practice today?" I froze. We did! How would we do this?
A note:
Hey, everyone! I'm sorry this took forever to update. I started school not to long ago so I'm going to be busy so I decided to have two chapters up as a gift.
Let me know what you think!

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