London Part 1

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Chapter 5

Shadow Star yawned as she flopped onto one of the beds in the surprisingly large room. The room had two soft beds with comfortable bedding, two red velvet chairs, and a small table in the center of the room. There was also a large window that provided a pretty nice view, especially at night, and a bathroom stocked with soap and small shampoo bottles. The flight to London had been quite exhausting and it took them a while to get there. Kid had agreed to fund all expenses for their trips, including both transportation and temporary living expenses. He booked two luxurious suite rooms for the group. Knowing how particular Aliceson was about cleanliness, Kid made sure that the rooms were thoroughly cleaned by the staff before their arrival. Aliceson and Shadow Star shared a room while Colette shared one with Aeryn. It was currently 8pm and the exhaustion from walking around London was starting to sink in. 

"Man, I'm beat. It took us forever to get here," Shadow Star groaned. Aliceson raised an eyebrow as she looked over at her. "It wouldn't have taken us so long if you didn't make us get lost."

"Hey, it's not my fault that London is so confusing! Besides, we would have found this place sooner if a certain someone didn't stop every damn five minutes to oogle over the accents of the citizens we asked for directions!" Shadow Star retorted.

"Excuse me? I did not 'oogle' over their accents! I simply questioned them further so that we could get more precise information." Shadow Star snorted, rolling onto her stomach. "Yeah, yeah. Sure you didn't."

"I didn't!"

"Mmhm," Shadow Star's stare was filled with disbelief.

"Augh!" Aliceson let out a noise of frustration as she plopped down onto one of the chairs by the table. Shadow Star buried her face in her pillow, ready to fall asleep. Aliceson grunted in annoyance before reaching over and pulling some pajamas out of Shadow Star's suitcase, then throwing them at her. "If you're going to go to bed, at least change first. Plus, we didn't eat dinner yet and I'm not going to listen to you whine about how hungry you are at three in the fucking morning when I already ordered food."

Shadow Star reached out and caught the clothes without looking, successfully annoying her partner further in the process. "Fuck you and your ninja reflexes!" Shadow Star laughed in response. She then sat up and took her jacket off before tossing it onto the floor.

"Is someone jealous that their reflexes aren't as good as mine?" She teased.

"Shut up," Aliceson blushed a little, her eyes lingering for a moment before she turned away, suddenly finding the table to be very interesting. This did not go unnoticed by Shadow Star. She smirked a little as she finished changing. "All done." When she turned back to Aliceson, she noticed that she was holding her own pajamas and standing in front of the bathroom door.

"Wow, here I thought we had a special bond and you're changing in the bathroom. Don't trust me not to peek?" Shadow Star gasped dramatically and feigned an offended expression. Aliceson rolled her eyes at the dramatic display. "Sorry I'm normal," She said sarcastically as she disappeared into the bathroom. Shadow Star barked out a laugh. "You are many things, Aliceson Death, but 'normal' is not one of them," She mumbled to herself.

"Hey, I heard that!"

"How the fuck-"


 Colette was sitting on her bed reading peacefully, her empty plate resting on the table next to Aeryn's. She enjoyed the temporary silence that she had while her weapon was in the shower. She let out a small sigh when she heard the bathroom door open. "Well, there goes my peaceful reading time," Colette mumbled to herself. "Hey, that's mean," Aeryn pouted.

"But true."

"But, cuddling with me is better than reading, right?"

"I don't know, this book is pretty good." Aeryn gasped dramatically, a fake look of hurt on her face. Colette laughed as she closed her book, making sure to bookmark her page first. "I'm joking, come here." Aeryn climbed onto the bed and pulled her meister into a hug. Colette chuckled and returned the hug as they rolled onto their sides, facing each other. "Since we ate already, we should go to bed soon. We have to wake up early so we can start planning for our mission." Colette groaned in response and flopped over onto her other side. "I hate waking up early."

"Yeah, but you don't have a choice."

"I know, I know.

"Now, sleep.

"Okay, mom."

"Wow, I didn't know you were into that type of stuff, Cole.."

"Shut up and sleep!"

There were a few moments of silence before it was broken yet again by the obnoxious weapon. "Want some head pats?" Colette shot her a glare over her shoulder. "Want to get bitten?" Seeing the look on her partner's face made her pause. "On second thought, don't even bother answering that.."


Reiko and Melody's notes pt 5:

Colette Diehl-Duprè: Female, fairly average height at 5'4. She has long pink hair in a half ponytail style that is secured by a red bow. She appears to have inherited the eye colors of both parents; her right eye being green while the left is brown. Her other noticeable traits include pink wolf-like ears (the tips of said ears are a lighter pink), and fangs. Both of these traits appear to be caused by her witch DNA. Very fascinating. From what I've observed, Colette gets embarrassed fairly easily. However, her temper keeps most from exploiting this trait. The only one crazy enough to willingly face her wrath is Aeryn. This is unsurprising given how strange she is.

I think the whole 'strange trait' kinda runs in the Stein family tbh. No offense! (...None taken) Yay :D Anyways, Colette has an affinity for star and moon stuff. If you give her clothing that has anything star or moon themed, she will love it. <3 Her favorite hoodie is black, with a large moon design on the front, covered in little stars. She typically wears grey jeans, black high tops, and a black choker that has a little wolf pendant on it.

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