~Chapter 1~ LA Here We Come!!

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~Your POV~

I started YouTube just 5 years ago. I was 18, ready to see the world.Unfortunately my parents had other plans for me. I was supposed to be in college working on my law degree but I couldn't bring myself to do it. I loved gaming. I loved people. I wanted to make the world A little happier, even if it was just for 10 minutes a day, even if it was only 1 or 2 people a day. YouTube gave me that. So I left. I told my parents i couldn't do it anymore. I couldn't live my life to make them happy when I could live my life to not only make me happy, but others as well. That was the end of it. They cut me off for their lives, and we all moved on with our lives.

5 years without my parents. 5 years of making people happy. 5 years of building my life around a beautiful, wonderful happy community that cared for me more than my own parents. In the end, I am Okay with that. No, Actually, I am very happy with that because I get to be me.

*Ding Dong* I jumped, pulling me out of my own thoughts. I check through the peephole and see a tall Dark haired man standing at my door.After opening it, I look at my watch, not realizing it was time for my cab driver to come pick me up to head to the airport.

"Hello Carter" I smile politely at him. I know Carter wells with all the cab rides I've had to take. He is a really nice guy. His smile is contagious, which is great because he loves making people smile just as much as I do.

"Hello Y/N, How have you been?" Carter Replied

"I've been great actually, excited for the trip, although I am going to be away for a while so you won't see me for who knows how long!" I smiled at the thought of going somewhere new, until i remembered, "Oh shoot, I'll be back in a second Carter, just have a seat on the couch. I have to go upload my last video before I leave!"

After Uploading, I come back out to the living room to see Carter pulling some of my bags, while some others are missing. I laughed quietly and helped him grab the rest of my bags. Once we got them all loaded in the cab, we set off to the airport. It was only a 20 minute drive, so we talked about my trip, and how his family was doing, and once again me trying to convince him to start a YouTube channel. But as usual,all I got in response was one of his deep laughs. He had one of those laughs that made everyone around him laugh.

Once we made it to the airport Carter helped me pull out my bags, I paid him, even though as usual he tried to argue it, and gave him a quick hug. After that i was off. I was on my way to LA. I boarded the plane, and put my carry on away. All i could think about was LA. I was going to get to see my best friend, Felix, Meet some awesome fans, but most importantly, i was going to help raise a Ton of money for charity. With that last thought, I leaned back in my seat, and slowly drifted off to sleep with a smile on my face

~~Time Skip To After The Plane Landed~~

I was at the baggage belt watching for my bags as my phone started to ring. It's probably Felix i smiled as i went to grab it out of my pocket and answer it.

"Hey Felix, Yes I landed okay. Yes, I'm fine, actually I'm great! No i don't mind you being late but you owe me lunch." I giggled.

He is always late i thought to myself, while pulling my bags off the belt. OK time to go find Felix and go get some food!

~Mark POV~

 I can't Believe I am actually going to meet her! I Finally have the chance to say hello! Finally, get a chance to meet The Y/N L/N! I am so excited! Luckily I convinced Felix to let me come along for the ride after promising not to fan girl or pass out when I do get to meet her! But first we have to find her. We start walking through the airport heading towards baggage and that's when I saw her. She was just finishing grabbing her bags of the belt when she turned around and started walking toward us. The most beautiful girl I have ever saw. Her E/C shined, Her smile brighter than the sun, long H/C hair flowing behind her as she walked. I snapped out of it after hearing a big thump and a squeal. It was Y/N and she was running right toward us. I smiled as she grabbed on to Felix hugging her as though it was a brother that had been away for years.

~Your POV~

I saw Felix and dropped everything to run. I ran to him and hugged him like my life depended on it. After a minute I let go and noticed another man standing next to Felix smiling at us. So like any normal person would do, I pulled Felix down so i could whisper in his ear,but instead of whispering I yelled "Ya know Felix, You Could Introduce Your Friend And Tell Him It's OK To Say Hello!!"

"Holy Shit Y/N! That Was My Ear! Felix yelled while rubbing his right ear."This Is Mark, He is a friend of mine that lives in LA. My other buddy is waiting over at the coffee shop if you'd like to meet him to, He just flew in about an hour ago, we were getting coffee while we waited for you but i lost track of time so actually I was at the airport on time, just not at the baggage claim on time."

I said hello to Mark and we started walking towards the coffee shop but the whole way there i felt like someone was watching me. I slowed down and let Mark pass me, and Felix and him started chatting away.The feeling of being watched faded as they talked. Finally, we made it to a little coffee shop and Felix and Mark walked up to a tall round table that had a green haired guy sitting at it. I wasn't exactly sure who he was but I Definitely know that hair from somewhere. As I walked up behind them this man stood up and put his hand out for me to shake.

"Hello Y/N I am so glad I am finally meeting you! I'm Sean, But Everyone calls me Jack, Some call me the green Pewdiepie." He chuckled nervously. I couldn't help but laugh. That's where i knew them from.They are the guys Felix plays games with sometimes. He talks about them a lot too. I don't really watch them. Actually I don't really watch YouTube at all anymore. Now give me some popcorn and some Netflix and I'm down for the count.

On the way to my hotel all the guys talked, Mark was driving with Felix in the passenger seat, and I was in the back with Sean, or Jack. I wonder what name he prefers to be called. Just as I was about to ask we pulled up to the hotel I started grabbing my bags and all 3 guys jumped out quickly and grab them before I had the chance. I sighed to myself and thanked them as I went to check in.

"What do you mean there is a problem with my booking?" I started getting frustrated, but I kept my cool. I know this isn't the front desks fault.

"Well ma'am I am not exactly sure what happened, there is no booking for a"Y/N L/N" But my only suggestion is to check your bank account and see if the money has been taken from your account and if so, I would definitely call your bank. On the other hand I unfortunately don't have any other rooms available for the next week.We are completely booked up."

After she said that all I could do was put my head in my hand and sigh. I was standing in LA, With now where to sleep, and no idea my way around town to find another place. Either way I would have to figure something out. I put a smile on my face, thanked the young girl at reception and headed back over to the guys.

"Where is your room card?" Felix asked with a concerned look on his face. So I explained the whole situation to them. After explaining everything to them i assured them i would figure something out.

"Y/N There is not going to be any rooms available anywhere, with the charity event going on, there is a Convention happening this week,and on top of that there are tons of people that fly in and stay for business trips. LA is a terrible place to try to stay in a hotel unless you book in advance!" Felix was starting to shout. I Hate When People Shout At Me. That is one thing I can't handle. As the tears started to well up in my eyes. I was not some 5 year old that colored on the wall or something. Felix knew I can not handle getting screamed at and yet here he was. I turned and ran out. I didn't care where I was going, not that i even had anywhere to go.

 On my way out the door I heard Mark yell something at Felix. I didn't care. I just want to go home. Definitely crossing LA off my possible moving to list.

It All Started With A Channel (Markiplier x Reader x Jacksepticeye)Where stories live. Discover now