~Chapter 17~ Good Night.

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~Mark's POV~

"Jack, please tell me you heard that?" I looked over to Jack to see the same sadden look of shock as I had on my own. Y/N was leaving. Tomorrow. Without even a goodbye, And Honestly, I don't think she is planning on coming back.

"Yeah I heard, What are we going to do Mark? We can't just let her leave. She can't Mark. I can't lose her. I love her Mark, I truly do."

"So do I Jack. We will figure something out. Let's go to my recording room, that way they don't hear us. I have an idea." I turned to walk, with Jack following close behind.

~Time Skip Back To After Your Plane Ride~

~Your POV~

When the plane landed I got off quickly, grabbing my luggage, Carter was there to pick me up, I gave him a hug when I saw him.

"So you weren't gone for very long. And you weren't your normal happy self when you got off the plane." Carter looked over to me.

"I am alright Carter, I promise. Just wasn't a very good trip. To top it off I have the worst migraine of my life."

"Well if you need to talk, you have my number Y/N, and if you can't get me,"He handed me a piece of paper. "Call my wife, Kelly, She would love to meet you. I told her all about you. She said if you ever needed someone to talk to, to give you her number, she is here for you as well."

I smiled, and teared up a little. "Thank you Carter, I would love to meet her to sometime. Thank you for the ride, How much do I owe you?"

"This one is on the house Y/N, Seriously. No arguments. And take some Advil when you get into your apartment."

He reminded me of Felix at that moment. I realized, Carter was the closest thing I had to a father.

"I will Carter, But i have a favor to ask, Can you pick up Felix at the airport in about four hours?"

"You mean the Felix? The one and only?"

I laughed "Why do you say it like that?"

"Because he is the only person you very talk about. So he is the one and only, the famous, the amazing Felix! So yes, I will happily pick him up."

"Thank you Carter, Oh and when you bring him here, you are welcome to come up, if possible you can bring Kelly, I will order in some dinner or something."

"That sounds great Y/N. Well then I guess Kelly and I will see you in four hours when I drop Felix off." He smiled and waved before driving off.

I headed inside, threw my stuff down, walked to the bathroom, grabbing two Advils and taking them. After wards I walked over to the couch and laid down, quickly falling asleep. I woke up two hours later, head still pounding, I took two more Advils and headed to my room to lay down. I opened my phone long enough for Felix to text me to tell me there had been a flight delay, so I texted Carter to let him know. I still had time to nap. So I laid down and fell asleep again. Once again waking up two hours later, Head once again still pounding, I took two more Advil. I was so tired. I laid back down again and went back to sleep. I woke up worried that Felix should have been here already. I got up, but with my head hurting so bad, I got dizzy as I stood up. That is it. I will try Advil one more time, if it doesn't work, I am calling someone to take me to the doctors. I can't handle this. I walked into the bathroom. Opened the bottle, this time taking both pills at once, before even closing the bottle. I was so tired. I needed sleep. So I did.

~Felix's POV~

Thank god they got the whole situation on the plane figured out. I wouldn't be to late getting to Y/N's house. I got off the plane. Y/N texted me before my flight and told me her friend Cater would be picking me up. I quickly grabbed my luggage. I couldn't wait to meet Carter. He may have started out being Y/N's cab driver, but they became friends. He was there to talk to Y/N. He was always there for her. I hurried towards the exit to find a tall, dark haired man, with a lovely shorter blond hair woman standing next to him, holding a sign that read, "THEE ONE AND ONLY BEST FRIEND FELIXXXX!!" I laughed to myself for a moment before walking up to him.

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