~Chapter 22~ Darkness

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~Your POV~



That's all there is.

Silence. I can't handle the Silence. It's driving me mad.

I just want to hear something. Anything.


I want to hear Felix, Mark and Jack's voices.

Why is it so silent?

Why is it so Dark.

I open my mouth and scream.


But there was nothing. I couldn't hear myself scream.

Think Y/N. What the hell happened.

We were in the car. We got back on the road after dinner. We were heading to the hotel. We were almost there. We talked about meeting fans. A park. We were going to a park. Then what?

Come on Y/N think.

Screams. There were lots of screams. Mark and Jack screaming.

What happened Y/N?!! THINK DAMN IT!

I don't know. Fuck. What happened!

Suddenly I see a light through the darkness. What is that? I guess it's my only option here. I have to go see what that light is. I walked toward it, hoping some how it would give me answers. But it was just a dim light shining down from who knows where.

"Hello?" I yelled. I heard myself. Thank god no more silence.

"Anyone?" There was not response.

"HELLO?? Is Any One There?! Can Some One Please Tell Me What Happened?" There was no answer yet again. But the light went out.


Suddenly there was a flash of light and i was standing on a hill, looking over a highway.

"I Don't Understand! Where Am I?" I don't know who I am trying to talk to, but if talking is getting me somewhere, I guess I will keep asking questions. There was nothing. So I started walking down the hill toward the highway. After making it about half way down there was a loud crashing sound, along with the sound of shattered glass. I started running towards the highway. Once I made it there, the sight made me sick to my stomach.

There was my SUV, front end smashed. There was a minivan sitting sideways on the road, front end smashed as well. I started running around looking for Felix, Mark and Jack. I heard screams coming from the van, so I ran to it instead. There was a man slumped over the wheel. He reeked of alcohol, but there were screaming and cries coming from the back of the van. I looked in the back window, where there were 3 small children sitting in seats screaming and crying. There was a 4 child, laying between the two middle row seats, face down. I tried to open the door, but I couldn't. I could grab the handle.

What the hell is going on?

I jumped as I heard Mark and Jack both screaming. Running over to where they were.

There Mark sat, with blood running down his arm, with glass shards stabbing into it. He was holding what looked like me. Screaming. I can't make anything out.

I looked over to Jack. He was screaming at Felix. He kept repeating the same thing over and over.

"Come On Felix! Stay Awake Dude! Come On Stay Awake For Y/N! She Needs You! Come On Felix!"

Over and Over and Over.

I left Mark sitting there holding what looked like me and darted over to Felix.

It All Started With A Channel (Markiplier x Reader x Jacksepticeye)Where stories live. Discover now