~Chapter 6~ Please!

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~Your POV~

I took the longest, hottest shower of my life. When I got out I wrapped a towel around me and walked out into my room looking for something to wear. Looking through everything i brought with me I couldn't for the life of me decide between that half a dozen outfits I pulled. I had them all laying out on the bed, and they covered it. I walked back and forth around the bed looking between them all and I managed to get it down to 3. A knock came from the door, so I hollered to come.

~Mark's POV~

I was talking to Jack about the plans for today and he started complaining he was hungry, so we decided to got out for breakfast. Jack went to wake Felix up as I headed up to tell Y/N and then go get dressed. I knocked at her door and she hollered to come in. So i started walking in.

"Hey Jack and I thought we could go out for breakfast," then I was her wrapped in only a towel, "Y/N! You don't have clothes on! Why would you tell me to come in!" I slammed my hand over my eyes.

"I Completely Forgot!"

"How Do You Forget Your Naked??"

"Well first off I'm not naked, I'm covered. Second, Take your hand off your face Mark, You have already seen me so what the big deal now? And Third, I forgot because I have been trying to figure out which of these" She waved her hand over a bunch of clothes on the bed, "That i want to wear. I can't decide. What do you think?"

I looked down at the outfits, One had a long heavy shirt with it and black leggings, I pointed at that one.

"Don't wear that one. You will be in and out of the building all day, so you will get all sweaty and uncomfortable in that one."

"Ok, Makes sense." She took that outfit, folded them back up and sat them on top of the dresser.

"I like these two." I said pointing at the two outfits beside each other. One had a pair of denim shorts and a black tank top with her channel logo on it. The Other was a pair of grey ripped skinny jeans and a red YouTube t-shirt.

"So this one is a no then." She said folding the other set of clothes.

"What if you mix the two? Like Wear the tank top, which is a cooler shirt, but then the jeans so your legs don't get cold in the Air conditioned building?" I looked at her nervously. I am not good with the whole picking out outfits thing. She looked at them both, picked up the YouTube shirt folding it, then moving the tank top over with the jeans and looked at the new outfit. I hope I was at least some help...

"If you don't like it, I mean you could just wear whichever one you like better." I said and turned to look at her. Right as I turned she hugged me.

"I think it looks great! Thanks! I could have been here ffoorrreevvveeerrr!"

I hugged her back. It felt good standing there hugging her. It felt even better making her smile, even if it was just from picking out clothes. I looked down into her beautiful E/C eyes, and she just stared up into mine. We got lost in each others eyes and it felt great. I never want to leave where we are standing right this second, Where the world was simple and perfect. I couldn't take it any longer. I leaned down and placed my lips on her soft pink lips. As I stood there kissing her i felt the butterflies flying like crazy, The fireworks lighting up the world around us. Suddenly she pulled away from me and I snapped out of my trance, seeing her wrap her towel back around her. It must have fallen.

"I am so sorry Y/N. I didn't mean to make your towel. I'll let you get dressed so we can head out." I quickly rambled and rushed to my room, and shut the door. Back against it, I slid down it onto the floor. Good lord, please don't let her hate me for that. I didn't see anything, but I do know for a brief moment, Y/N was in front of me, completely naked. I stood up to get dressed, but the entire time I was getting ready, all I could think of was wanting her lips back on mine. She knows I have feelings for her, but how do I find out if she feels the same? What happens if she doesn't? What happens if she has feelings for Jack? The thought made my stomach twist. If she has feelings for Jack, then I will be happy for them. If she is happy, then I will be alright. That doesn't mean I'm not going to try my Damnedest to get her to fall for me. But just in case, I know to be prepared. I walked out of my room and down stairs to the kitchen to find Jack in there with a cup of coffee. I pulled out a glass and got myself some orange juice and stood there with Jack talking while we waited.

It All Started With A Channel (Markiplier x Reader x Jacksepticeye)Where stories live. Discover now