I cannot think of a name for this.

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I just thought! So that all oneshots appeal to every shipper, there will be two Jesses: Jessica, female, and Jesse, male. Ta-daaa! Lol

No one's POV

Olivia skipped into the kitchen, and gasped at what she saw.
"Guys," She hissed. "Petra is cooking. Back away slowly."
"Oh, dammit! Where's Lukas when you need him?" She hissed, throwing away another round of burnt toast.
"Jesse! Go sort her out!" Jess ordered.
"Why does it always have to be me?!"
"You're the one who's dating her, for God's sake!"
Olivia rolled her eyes and wandered away, searching for Axel. Why was she searching for Axel?
Suddenly, she bumped into a tall person wearing green armour. Axel.
"Oops! Sorry, Livi, didn't see you there."
"That's okay!"
"Hey, I've actually been meaning to find you. Can you meet me tomorrow at the treehouse?"
Olivia blushed furiously.
"Um, yeah! I'll, er, see you there?"
"Yeah, okay. Um, bye!"
Well, that was awkward, Olivia thought as she made her way to her room. She sighed as she passed Jess and Lukas flirting in Jess's room, and then Petra and Jesse kissing in the kitchen. Why was she the only one who wasn't in a relationship? Well, apart from Axel...
There was nothig she wanted to do that didn't involve sleep, so she lay down on her expensive silk sheets, closed her eyes, and drifted off.


Axel woke late. Too late. Far too late. He looked at his alarm clock, and groaned: he was half an hour late to meet Olivia at the treehouse.
Jumping out of bed, he threw on his armour and brushed his hair carefully, then shaved his monobrow so he looked more civilized (Not trying to offend anyone with a monobrow). He looked in the mirror hastily, and was surprised to see that he actually looked okay.
"Axel? Are you in here?" Came Jesse's voice.
"Yeah, I'm just leaving, why?"
"Olivia's in her roon sulking." Said Lukas.
"Aww, dammit!"
Axel, biting his lip, ran down the corridor, bumping into a (surprise, surprise) furious Petra on the way down, and charged into Olivia's room.
"Liv! I am so, so sorry, I meant to meet you at the treehouse but I overslept, please forgive me!" He shouted, though he was a little breathless, so it sounded more like, "Livsosorrymeantmeetyou treehouse butoversleptpease forgive meh!"
"Axel! No, don't worry, I'm not sad because of that, I figured you'd slept in. I'm just sad because...um..."
Axel moved over to the bed and sat down next to her.
"What's up, Olivia? You've been acting weird ever since Jesse and Petra got together." His face paled. "You don't...like Jesse, do you?"
"No! I don't like Jesse. I'm just..."
She took a deep breath.
"When Lukas and Jess got together, I was happy for them. Then Jesse and Petra did the same, and although I was happy, I felt left out. Now, you and I are the only people who aren't dating in the order, and I just think...well, it's not fair."
"Are you saying it's not fair that you have to go out with me because everyone else is taken?"
"I'm saying I want to go out with you because I like you. It just took me a while to realise it."
"Then I say yes."
Axel wrapped his arms around Olivia's waist, and Olivia snuggled into his neck.
"I am so happy right now."

I couldn't thnk of a name for that, lol. Those two are so cute, I guess they just go really well together.
Next time, I think I'm gonna do a F. JessexPetra, which is my second favourite ship, and after that, a M. JessexLukas. Then I'll do a Lukesse, and a non-romantic one-shot.
Belle, xxx.

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