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Naraku wasn't forgotten. But he wasn't spoken of either. Thoughts of him lingered in the front, but were constantly being pushed back.

You didn't want to think about him.

If you couldn't forget him, the least you could do was push him away. Fill your mind with only your second love.

Only think of golden eyes and not ruby ones. Only think of silver hair and not raven hair. Think of that crescent that wrinkles up when he frowns.

He is a man, yet he's so beautiful.

"Do you wish to bathe?" He tilts his head towards the small lake surrounded by trees and bushes.

"Maybe." You lift your arms and duck your head. "Unclothe me."

"You have become bold." He gently tugs your dress off your body, pulling you close to him before he latches his mouth onto yours.

"I've learned from the best." You mumble against his lips, rubbing your nose against his.

His hands find your cheeks. Your bottom, fruity cheeks. He gives them a slight squeeze and then a pat and then a slap. "Clean yourself while I get rid of that nuisance." He whispers before placing a kiss on your forehead and leaving to cut the demon that lurks around, in half.

You take till sunset to step out of the water. Oddly, it's temperature is warm and so very soothing.

You clothe yourself in a hurry and rush to Sesshoumaru's side, bumping into something in the process.

"A tree?" You mumble. "Uh, sorry." You apologize in a rushy manner, finding ways to bolt out of there. Until you breathe in the scent of the supposed stranger. "...Inuyasha?"

You stand on your tippy toes to gain a better view of his face. The white ears on top of his head, however give it away.

"Huh, who you?" His words come out lazily. "How do you know me?"

You puff your cheeks in disappointment. Even if his memory sucks, how could he forget his buddy.


"You reek of Sesshoumaru." He interrupted you. "Wait a damn minute. You're Y/N!"

"The one and only." His frown is replaced by a large and sharp toothy grin as he pulls you into his tight embrace, spinning you around in excitement.

"You're so pretty now and, and-- woah, you have big boobs now too!"

You smack his head and pull away from him, bumping into someone from behind you. "How do you know Y/N?"

Your silver haired lover asks with a tone of curiosity mixed with annoyance, jealousy and possessiveness.

His arm creeps around your waist, pulling you closer to him as he glares at his brother.

"You! what are you doing with her?" Inuyasha tugs on your arm, his voice laced with concern as he tries to get your lover's arm off you.

"I'm with him."

"Sit down!"

Someone suddenly yells.

A human girl.

And Inuyasha's face meets the dirt.

You could swear you heard Sesshoumaru snicker.

"How sly." He mumbles, his arm no longer around your waist, but instead his long slender fingers holding onto your sleeve. You smile at his childishness.

Inuyasha slowly lifts himself from the ground, rubbing his ear and cleaning off the dirt that sticks to his milky white hair. "Kagome! What was that for?" He growls in irritation, ready to pounce on the said girl.

Your eyes wander to her. Long straight raven hair. An instant reminder of he who no one wants to be reminded of.

"Well," She begins. Her eyes moving from Inuyasha to Jaken, to Sesshoumaru--

"You left me-- You!"

--To you.

"I sense something on her! It's strong. Very strong."

Sesshoumaru steps forward, his golden eyes glaring at the human girl. Oddly offended.

Offended that his mate is being pointed at.

"You have a jewel fragment!" Kagome steps further toward you, earning a growl from the older and far more egoistic dog demon.

"Humans are strange, if you want the sacred jewel do not hint you want the sacred jewel."

You lift your hand and place it in Kagome's hand after smacking Sesshoumaru out of the way-- much to his disappointment.

"I'm sure whatever you have collected will complete this piece."

Kagome's eyes widen in shock. There in her hand lies an almost complete spherical purple jewel.

Kagome's mouth hangs to the ground.

Inuyasha's hangs to the core of the earth.

Sesshoumaru watches in pure amusement as the scene unravels.

"I collected them with naraku and I ended up keeping them."

You stare at the jewel, the reflection of your own eyes glaring back at you.

"You work with Naraku?"

Kagome backed away, she's shaking from shock.


"Used to." Sesshoumaru interrupted. You sense his discomfort. It's strange. Why should he feel so offended on your behalf.

Or maybe it's that he knows you don't want to be reminded. He understands.

He clears his throat before picking you up. Holding you gently like a delicate flower.

An Iris that might wither away if he doesn't treat it well.

One of the saddest moments in the silver haired man's palace.

"You now owe my master a favour. I am taking Y/N back to my palace."

He informs. Monotone. And then he disappears with you in his arms.

"Wait! what master!?" -Inuyasha 2021

The demon in love (Sesshoumaru x reader) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now