The Club

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BEEP BEEP screeches my pink alarm clock. 7 p.m. on the dot. I know I have to move, I have to make a good profit tonight. I can't seem to get my body in gear. I swing my feet off the side of the mattress, and pull myself up. I sit there looking out the window, and watch as a few boys on bikes ride down the sidewalk before dark.

Why can't I be normal? That's all I want to know. How many girls my age have to be a stripper to have a house. Without me working these shifts we would not have a house.

I snap myself out of thought, and go to my closet. I grab my denim shorts, making sure they are the shortest pair I own. I slide on fishnet leggings underneath, and my knee high boots. My crop top is waiting on my dresser. I curl my hair, and add winged eyeliner, a bright red lipstick for a pop, and walk out the door. As I walk down the sidewalk I kick rocks softly, wishing there was something else I could do. Before my thought could end I could hear the music of the club . The brightly lit building came into sight faster than I would like It to. The dark gray door, the bright neon lights, and all the men gathered around the doors. I grab my card to use to enter the employee door and refuse to make eye contact with the men.

"Damn look at that girl." One of the men yelled to get the others to look at me.

I picked up my pace, and swiped my card letting the door slam behind me. The music was ten times louder inside, but still the club only attracted every male over 30. I walked back the dark narrow hallway to the storage room for our belongings. I scanned the row of dingy green lockers for number 30. I twisted the lock left 30, right 23, left 16, and pulled down. The lock popped open with a soft click and I threw my belongings in, and pushed up on the lock until I heard the soft click that signaled it locked. I turned around and walked back down the hallway.

"Natalia, you are on the floor today, take orders for now." A deep masculine voice, that matched the one of my boss Theo.

"Yes sir." I replied confidently.

I turned around and ran back to the lockers to grab my notebook. I grabbed a pen, and placed it in my back pocket. On my way back out of the entrance a person bumped into me.

"Oh my God. I'm so sorry Natalia. These hallways are too dark to even see tonight. I swear the lights are getting dimmer. Hey Nat, before you go, table 3 is all yours." Emaline said with a wink.

"It's alright, and okay I guess." I replied.

I walked out of the door, and headed to table 3 where my customers were waiting. Once I reached my destination I lifted my head, and boy was that a regret. The table had about 8 guys at it, and by my estimation they were all around my age, maybe a year or two older. The one sitting to the left of me was mixed, and had light green eyes, and boy was he attractive. The others were attractive, but it was something about this one that really drew my attention. The one to the right of me was Puerto Rican , and was about a foot taller than the rest of them. There looked to be a set of twins in front of me, and the other four looked to be Indian, and another set of twins within those four.

"Hi I'm Natalia, I'll be your waitress tonight, may I take your orders?" I said, trying to sound confident, but knowing he was staring at me was making it difficult.

"Well Natalia, that's a beautiful name for starters." The male to my right said.

"Well, I think we would each be down for a margarita, and some Jell-O shots. You pick the flavor." The guy across from me said with a wink.

UGH he still was not talking to me.

"Sure thing, is that all for right now?" I managed to get out, hoping he would say something.

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