Update On Tre's Condition

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The doctor came out of his room, and I looked up with tears still leaking from my eyes.

"Natalia?" He asked .

"Yes?" I replied jumping up, because I had been hoping he would be fine.

"Good, and bad news. Good news is the surgery went well, and he is no longer losing blood. Bad news is, he is in a coma. You can sit in with him if you would like, we are hoping something will wake him up." The doctor said, a sad look on his face.

I started sobbing at the news, it was devastating. I made my way slowly back to Tre's room, and walked in. His body looked lifeless, and he laid there still. I looked at his face which had a peaceful expression on it, and his strong physique looked so helpless in this situation. I walked over, and sat in the chair to his left. I grabbed his hand, and squeezed it as the tears streamed down my face.

"I'm so sorry Tre." I muttered between sobs.

I continued, "I'm sorry for running away, and I'm sorry for bringing all this on you. You didn't deserve this Tre. It should be me here in this hospital bed, and not you. " I laid my head on his chest, and cried my heart out.

There was a knock on the door, and the guys came in slowly. They were all staring at Tre, and tears began to leak down their faces. 

"This situation is even harder with Natalia looking like that over there." Enrique said, and smiled trying to make me laugh.

I smiled a small, and weak smile. I sat back in the chair, and closed my eyes. The guys all made themselves comfortable, and I drifted off to sleep. I woke up, and it was dark In the room. As I looked around all the guys had fallen asleep too. I leaned forward to check on Tre, and squeezed his hand, and no response. I started to cry again.

"Please come back to me baby." I whispered, and gave his hand one final squeeze before I laid back in the chair again. 

We all camped out in the room for a week, and kept the same schedule. I'd check on Tre every morning when I woke up. Enrique would get us all food, and I refused to leave. On one particular night all the guys decided to go down to get food, because they were tired of the same 2 things Enrique got. I started to sing Everything will be ok by G-eazy, because Tre loved his music. I grabbed his hand, and kept singing. I thought I felt him lightly squeeze back , but figured I was delirious. After a week I had been hoping for this. He coughed lightly, and his eyes opened. When his beautiful eyes were visible to me I stood up.

"Tre!" I screamed.

I ran to him, and hugged him. The doctors came running too, all astonished that he pulled through. The guys came barreling down the hallway at a dangerous speed. They ran into the room, and straight over to hug Tre. He laughed lightly, but he pulled me down to him, and kissed my lips. A long, passionate kiss that lasted awhile.

"When can he come home?" I asked.

"Well probably tomorrow." The doctor said, and chuckled. 

The guys looked at me, and said, "Maybe we should get home so he can rest, and we will be back tomorrow?"

I looked at Tre, and he nodded.

"Sure I replied." And with that I kissed Tre one last time, and we all headed out.

On the way back to the house we were all pumped that Tre was better, and when we got home I walked right to his room. I laid down on his bed, and closed my eyes hoping to rush the day so we could bring him home tomorrow.

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