The Safe House

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I ran down side streets, not knowing the names of any. Emaline told me once before where this safe house was. 4 streets down from the club, make a right. 4 streets down from there, make a left. 8 streets down from there and make a right. Catch the bus to Lincolnville. Get off the bus, run 4 more streets, turn right, run 7 more streets turn left. Walk down, 5th house on the right. The passcode to the door is 99012. Once inside, life the rug in the dining room, and open the safe door with the passcode 10389. Go inside, make sure the rug slides over the door, and hide inside the safe room. 

I waited for the bus for what felt like an hour, their bus schedules here were the absolute worst. The orange bus stopped infront of me, there were about 4 other women waiting for the bus. I left them get on first, and then made my way on. I walked all the way to the back, hoping i could be alone. I glanced out of the window one last time, but thought I saw a shadow hiding behind a tree by the bus stop. I blinked to make sure I wasn't hullicinating, but it was gone.

It was nothing Nat, just a hallucination, who would follow you? Mom and dad wouldn't care if I vanished, the boys were too worried about drinking. Emaline said she would show up by midnight, and it's only 8 . Also, why would she hide? 

I shook the thought from my mind, and took a short nap.

"Lincolnville stop. Anyone?" The bus driver yelled, clearly hating his job with a passion.

I raised my hand, "Me sir."

"Nice to wait until the last second young lady, I don't get paid enough for this." He said, cranky about having to stop on a dime, even though he was barely doing 5 mph.

"Sorry sir." I said offering a small apologetic smile, and paid him before I ran off. 

I ran counting streets as I went. 1... 2.... 3... 4 . RIGHT. I turned my body fast to the right, and picked up the pace. 1.... 2.... 3....4...5....6...7. LEFT. I turned even faster. I couldn't be any closer than what I am now. One house, two house, three houses, four houses, five houses! I opened the small white gate, and ran up the stairs onto the wooden porch. I popped open the code box. I pressed as fastly as i could, "99012" The door clicked open, I shut the code box, and ran inside. The door latched hard, and locked itself behind me. I sprinted into the dining room lifting the small rug, I popped open the black code box, "10389." It clicked open, I crawled into the box, the code box on this one shut itself, and the rug moved back as if locked above me. I descended down the small ladder. When my feet reached the solid concrete floor I collapsed. I couldn't feel any happier to be in a place where I can finally breathe. 

DING DING my phone beeped, I raised up off my spot on the floor, and looked down at my screen.

Emaline: Nat darling, it isn't safe there. I'm on the bus now. We have to get you back here. No place is safe.

Natalia: Ema what is happening??

Emaline: I can't tell you Nat.

I tossed my phone onto the floor frustrated. Why can no one tell me anything? I slid down the concrete wall, and my eyes closed as I fell into a short slumber.

"NATALIA!" Emaline screamed shaking me away.

I screamed in fear, she was already here?
She grabbed my arm, and pulled me up the ladder and out of the door. 

"We are going to your house Nat." She said softly.

She walked over to a black Mercedes parked out front. 

"Nice bus Ema." I said laughing.

"I know right. Get in the front passenger seat." Ema replied, with a wink and a laugh.

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