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See how the beauty
Of the sun and sky
Are reflected and yet
Altered by the water

See how the colors
Shift and even the
Clouds change their
Nature in the ripples

So too, my dear are
Our own reflections
Altered by our skewed
Perceptions of ourselves

So too, is the way we
See our own reflection
Changed by the ripples
Of doubt in our mind

But notice how the sun
Is no less beautiful
And still shines as brightly
When altered by the water

And notice how the sky
With its shifting colors
Is no less beautiful
Through the soft waves

Like the sun and sky
So too, are you
Just as captivating
Radiant and divine

Even though the ripples
Of your life may have
Altered your perception
Of your own reflection

Like the sun and sky
So too, are you
Always beautifully
And wonderfully

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