Chapter 1

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Robin POV
We were lounging in the cave, when I heard, "Team, report to the debriefing," echo throughout. I hopped up, and changed into my uniform. With my signature cackle, I beat the others there.
Batman stood in front of the hologram, his arms crossed. Miss M floated in, followed by Superboy. Aqualad strode into veiw, at a brisk pace. Artemis dashed in behind him. Kid Flash was, of course, late. We had all changed into our uniforms, expecting a hard core mission like the ones we usually got.
I elbowed Wally, Kid Flash, in the stomach, and Artemis snickered.
"Ow," he yelped. "What was that for?" We gathered around Batman in a semicircle. A picture if a good-looking guy was on the screen. His black hair was windswept, as though a breeze had just ruffled it. His eyes were bright, sea-green. He was lean, and tan, with a lopsided smirk. I automatically categorized him as a trouble-maker, like Wally.
"Your assignment is to capture this person. He is classified as a terrorist, and a threat," Batman said gruffly. I snickered- until I saw his file come up.
It had the usual name, date of birth, height/weight, age and that sort of stuff. What was unusual, was his record. He had blown up three of his many schools, and gotten kicked out of every one. He was kidnapped at twelve... need I go on?
"You're sending us after this guy?" Wally asked incredulously. Batman gave him a glare, and he shrank back.
"Yes. Do you have a problem with this mission?" He snapped back. Wally shook his head. "Good." He stalked away.
I felt uncomfortable, going after a guy just a little older than me. I frowned. M'gaan linked us up.
:Guys, aren't you a little uncomfortable with this?: Wally asked. :I mean, we could easily take him down: I sighed.
:We can't say no. Batman will kill us. Let's just try and get this guy and get it over with: I reasoned. Everyone murmured their agreement, and soon the voices faded in my head. My thoughts were mine alone.

Percy POV
We were at the graveyard. Again. Annabeth cried into my shoulder, and I cried into hers. We would never see them alive again. Their graves were simple, but designed according to personality, with a picture of each encased in glass. The rain didn't fall on us as we cried.
"Let's go, Wise Girl," I whispered. She looked up at me, her stormy eyes filled with heartbreak.
"Okay," she whispered. The gods had granted our wish to live away from it all. In peace. We were in a city called Gotham, were we had exact replicas of their graves. I gently led Annabeth inside.
Our first day of school was tomorrow. We allowed ourselves one more day to grieve, one more day to remember. It was getting late. Gently steering her into bed, I kissed her forehead, determined not to have nightmares tonight.
It didn't work. I saw them die all over again. Jason's neck snapped, Piper with an arrow in her heart, dead before she hit the floor. Leo, drowned. Hazel, torn to shreds by monsters. Frank, his lifeline burned.
All of them, dead. Dead. I had no one except my Wise Girl to count on. Dead...
I shot up, gasping, the sheets soaked by my sweat. It was six anyway. Might as well get ready. I sighed. Just as my feet touched the floor, a horrible scream rang out.
Annabeth. I sprinted for her room. Flinging open the door, I saw her thrashing, entangled in her sheets. She screamed again, a scream of pure terror. I shook her awake desperately.
Her eyes flew open, fear evident in them. Her breath came in short gasps. I held her close as she cried.
"Shh," I soothed, rubbing circles on her back. "It's okay. You're safe. You're safe." She wiped her tears, and stood up.
"Percy," she whispered. I slipped my arm around her waist and kissed her.
"I know," I said. "I know."
Our first day wasn't as bad as I had thought it was going to be. We picked up our schedules, nearly identical in all but electives. As we were walking to our second class, a guy stepped in front of me, his greedy eyes fixated on Annabeth.
"Where ya goin' sweetheart?" He drawled. My fists clenched, but I let Annabeth handle him. Her eyes darkened.
"Somewhere where you aren't, hopefully," she snapped. He just smiled darkly, his eyes running her up and down.
"Suure," he said.
"Back off, slimo," she snapped. She gave him a glare that would have scared anyone out of their minds. The guy paled, and rushed away. I put my arm around her waist. She leaned into me. I knew that if I had stepped in, it would have undermined her ability to take care of herself, and soon, every guy in this school would be hitting on her.
We walked into class, and sat down next to each other. This subject was math. Oh great. I sighed. Annabeth looked kind of excited, and worried at the same time. The teacher walked in, and class began.
Finally, lunch began. Annabeth staked us a spot and we talked. I spoke of my hopes we could go to the college in New Rome, Annabeth explained her plans for Olympus. For once in our lives we could just sit, eat, and actually relax. School wasn't so bad, just boring. I didn't miss the danger, but at least it was more exciting than sitting in a classroom listening to a teacher drone on and on about a subject. Being ADHD had its advantages in my world, but in this one... it was more a bother than anything else. The final bell rang, signaling the end of school. Annabeth smiled at me, and we walked out together.
"I'm amazed you made it through without falling asleep," she joked. I smirked.
"Honestly, I'm amazed too." She chuckled, a sound I hadn't heard in so long. We turned down a side street to get back to our apartment, when I heard footsteps behind us. Thinking nothing of it, we continued on our way. Ten minutes passed and the footsteps were still behind us.
"You think they're following us?" I murmured into Annabeth's ear.
"Definitely," she whispered back. Their pace quickened, and suddenly shoved us into a alley. Annabeth and I automatically assumed fighting stances. I thought I recognized this guy from our school, but couldn't place his name.
"What do you want?" I growled. His eyes narrowed. A childish cackle rang out behind us. My head whipped around. The red, yellow, and black uniform and the R tipped me off. Annabeth, however, beat me to the punch.
"Robin," she said. "What do you want?" Other heroes materialized behind him. A dark-skinned Atlantean, Aqualad, or something, spoke first.
"We were informed you were a terrorist, and would like to bring you in for questioning," he said calmly. My eyes narrowed.
"That was cleared with the police years ago," I said, suspicious. I sensed something probing at my mind, trying to pry on my thoughts. I closed my mind, forcing the presence out.
"Get out of my head," I said my teeth gritted. Aqualad looked suprised I had known, but the presence vanished.
"Will you come with us willingly, or do we have to use force?" He asked.
"We are not going anywhere with you," Annabeth snapped. As if on an unseen cue, the boy who had shoved us came at us. Annabeth took him, while I tried to take Aqualad. He summoned water, trying to turn it against me. I fought with him for control. Ultimately, I won out, knocking him out. Then I had to face the Boy Wonder.
"Wanna switch dance partners?" I asked Annabeth.
"Sure," she said. I back flipped over Annabeth, twisting midair to land facing my opponent. His punches had a suprising amount of strength behind them, so instead of stopping his force, I redirected it. I twisted his arm, forcing it behind him in a police hold. Annabeth was matching Robin blow for blow, measuring him. She finally knocked him out in a single, decisive blow.
The guy under me broke my hold, slamming me into the concrete. I caught my breath, and ducked when he swung. I kicked his legs out from under him, and kneed him in the ribs. Instead of cracking one, his bones bruised my knees. I let out a suprised gasp of pain.
I heard scuffling, and glanced up to see Annabeth facing off against a blonde teen girl, with a green uniform. Annabeth was dodging and blocking with ease.
The guy I was facing seemed indestructable, almost like... Superman. Oh crap, I thought, realization dawning on me. I was facing off against a half-Kryptonian. Oh boy. I decided to wear him out. He was already breathing hard.
I heard a cry of pain, and whirled, dodging a punch from the corner of my eye. I saw Annabeth slumped against the wall, struggling against the blonde. I narrowed my eyes, and charged the blonde. I knocked her off balance, and let Annabeth knock her out.
I knocked the guy back, giving me some breathing room. Suddenly, the world was off-kilter, and I was on the floor.
"Speedster!" I yelled, trying to warn Annabeth. Her glance told me she already knew. I nodded, and returned to my fight.
The guy kicked, but, I yanked him off his feet. He hit the floor hard. Suddenly I was on the floor too. I sprang to my feet to see Annabeth unconcious. I raced to her and checked her pulse. Her heart beat strongly beneath my finger tips, and I released the breath I had been holding.
Footsteps sounded, and I turned in time to see a fist, and then nothing.

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