Chapter 3

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Hello everyone, I'm so sorry for the long wait for this chapter. Language warning for my younger audience. Please enjoy, and feel free to give me feedback on my writing.

Percy POV
The team dropped us off at our apartment, with our homework done oddly enough, and left. Annabeth and I hurried inside, both of us exhausted.
"Annabeth, I think I'm gonna have a nightmare," I admitted, as I flopped on the couch.
"Me too," she said, as she flopped down beside me. I kissed her forehead, and hoped, beyond all hopes, that we could make it through.
Blackness. That was all I saw, but what was worse was the sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach, the fear. That was all I could feel, an all-consuming fear, threatening to drown me in its depths. Then a voice, beautiful, and soothing.
"Percy, Percy," it called.
I gasped, and sat up, nearly smacking heads with Annabeth. My breath was coming fast and shallow, but easing as I realized where I was.
"Hey, it's okay. You're safe," Annabeth whispered. I nodded, and wiped sweat from my forehead.
"Sorry," I murmured. She smiled, a soft smile that told me she understood.
We both accidently fell asleep in our clothes, so we just ate breakfast, then changed. Annabeth's hair was a beautiful curly mess that morning, which I endlessly teased her for. She promptly swatted me.
I managed to convince myself to get moving, when it was time to go.
"Percy, c'mon, we're gonna be late," Annabeth said, dragging me to the door.
"Okay, okay," I chuckled, as she slammed the door behind us, and locked it.
School was a huge drag as usual, but I found it was almost easier. The teachers were pretty nice, with most making an active attempt to be friendly, and helpful. I was polite in return, but Annabeth was the biggest help, her Athena smarts out-thinking my simple brain.
"C'mon, stay focused, Seaweed Brain," she said redirecting my attention. Occasionally, we found something we both couldn't quite figure out, so we put our heads together to figure it out.
"Seaweed Brain," Annabeth's voice cut through my thoughts. I was wondering how Camp was faring.
"I think I know who Batman is."
"What?" I whipped around to face her.
"I'm kidding," she said, "but I just wanna talk to you." My brow furrowed with worry.
"Did you dream?" She nodded, my silence prompting her to continue.
"I'm was standing on Half-Blood Hill, and you were in front of me, and you were..." she trailed off, tears welling up in her eyes.
"Wise Girl, I'm so sorry I didn't ask," I said, and pulled her close. She half-laughed into my shoulder.
"It's okay, I wanted you to know," she said.
"Well, I'm here to stay," I said firmly. She hugged me back.
"Hey, bitch," familiar voice said. Annabeth whipped around. It was that idiot from the hall.
"Do you mind?" She demanded, her voice low in warning.
"Nah," he said, ignoring her warning. "You owe for that insult." She stood up, and gave him her I'm pissed, and you better watch out look.
"Do I?" She challenged. I stood as well, quietly backing her up.
To be fair, he swung first. What happened next was both terrifying and amazing. Annabeth caught his fist, yanked his hand back, breaking his wrist, and dislocated his shoulder in a single move. And I punched him in the face so hard, I felt his jaw snap.
My feet tapped the floor impatiently. Annabeth had been in the principal's office for half an hour now. I heard the slimo, who I learned was named Tyler, protest loudly that he was the victim. The principal cut in, silencing him.
A few moments later, Annabeth walked out, a smug look on her face.
"He wants to see you," she said, her words triumphant. I shot her a smile, before I walked into the principal's office.

Okay, I owe every one of you a huge apology, I haven't updated in months and thank you to every single one of you who decided to vote on this book. Your support means so much to me, I cannot thank you enough.
I'm so sorry that I haven't been updating, I just got on summer break, I should be updating more often now.
That being said, I did need to cut this chapter short, as I was struck with inspiration at 9:30 at night.
Please enjoy the latest installment of "The Target".

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