Chapter 2

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Annabeth POV
I was awake, but I didn't open my eyes. I thought I could pick up little bits of info. All I heard was something about the... Watchtower? Ugh, all I could hear was pounding in my head. My hands were bound behind me to a chair. My feet were bound to the legs of the chair as well.
I opened my eyes to see the archer girl who had knocked me out arguing with Robin.
"They knocked you, Aqualad, and Miss M out, not to mention incapacitated Superboy. If you think we should let them go, you're crazy," she exclaimed, gesturing to me. Robin had a schooled face, showing no emotion, but I knew he was calculating the risks.
"I know, but in the end, they're normal teens. They probably were high off adrenaline," he tried to reason.
"Then explain how the guy controlled water." Robin shook his head, at a loss for words.
"Let's find out." They turned to me. I smiled internally. They were so clueless. Robin crossed his arms, a gesture meant to intimidate me. "Who are you?" I shook my head.
"Why should I tell you?" His expression stayed calm.
"You were able to defeat two superheroes, me, and you injured Artemis. Anyone who can do that is pretty powerful, and we can't have you running around unchecked," he said, perfectly calm. I couldn't help myself. I chuckled a little. A mortal who called herself Artemis? That was funny, considering I had met the real Artemis before.
"What's so funny?" She demanded, getting in my face. I smiled calmly back at her.
"The fact that a freshman and a sophomore are trying to interrogate a senior," I said, playing with them. Robin stiffened. "And for the record, I'm only dangerous to my enemies."
"We have your boyfriend, too," Robin said casually, trying to unerve me. I narrowed my eyes.
"Percy is fully capable of taking care of himself." I see Robin was running out of cards to play. Percy had been his ace-in-the-hole, and I had just played him off it.
"I guess Batman could take this one," he said, measuring my reaction. I shrugged.
"Superman could do it for all I care." He huffed, and walked out with Artemis. I waited.

Percy POV
As soon as I woke up, all I could think was, This is so cliché. And my sore jaw. In front of me stood Batman, Superman, and Black Canary.
"He's waking up," a gruff voice announced. As a shadow crossed my vision, my head snapped up to see Batman staring down at me.
"I hope, for your sake, that you cooperate," he said. I nearly laughed. After Tartarus, nothing scared me.
"Maybe I will, maybe I won't," I answered coyly. His eyes behind the cowl narrowed. Superman looked suprised by my answer.
"Are you a terrorist?"
"No, the police cleared that years ago."
"Who is the young lady found with you?"
"Ask her yourself. If she gives her name, that's her choice."
"How did you manipulate water?"
"Powers, duh."
"Where did you learn to fight?"
"No where you need to know." At this point he was getting irritated. I could tell my evasive answers were something he was not accustomed to. He nodded to Superman, who hauled me to my feet, my hands behind my back.
"Where are we going?" I asked, kind of bored and exasperated. No one bothered to answer me. I was shoved into a room where Annabeth was tied up. Her eyes met mine. Relief was evident in her features. I smirked. Apart we were powerful, but together, we were pretty much unstoppable. But they didn't know that.
We were in some sort of cave, but, it had water in it, which was really weird.
Batman shoved me in front of him. "We have a proposition for you. We will give you the choice of spending your days in jail, or you could join the team you fought."
I nearly laughed, but Annabeth kept her cool. "Give us three hours to discuss it," she said. Batman's eyes narrowed, but he nodded, and untied Annabeth.
I hugged her as soon as she stood up. "Geez Wise Girl, what have we gotten ourselves into?" I whispered into her hair. She pulled back and closed her eyes.
"I don't know."
Three hours later, we had reached a desicion. Batman entered and the team filed in after him. I nodded to Annabeth.
"We'll join, but, we won't live here. No personal information will be given to you that you don't already have. And no bugging. You asked us to join, you have to trust us," she explained. Batman nodded, and left.
I almost sighed with relief, but we still had introductions. Oh boy.
Fortunately, Fish Boy started. "I'm Kaldur'ahm. This is Robin, Kid Flash, Miss Martian, Artemis, and Superboy," he explained.
"I'm Percy, and this is my girlfriend Annabeth."
Miss Martian perked up, seeming to remember something. "My cookies!" She exclaimed, and flew out of the room. I looked to Kaldur, confused.
Robin laughed, and explained. "She makes cookies often."
"That's gonna take some getting used to," I laughed. Annabeth broke out in a smile and shook her head. The team relaxed and filed out.
The team seemed nice enough, they joked, well Wally did, and they seemed friendly. M'gann reminded me of Piper, with her mother hen mindset, and her shy, modest nature. Robin was more reserved, testing how we reacted to certain things. Artemis, was following his lead, and Superboy was pretty much ignoring us, watching TV, and just listening.
Me? I was shifting gears, trying to adapt, because in my world, if you can't adapt, you die. 

Wow, guys, this one has been a LONG time in the making, I'm so sorry for not updating, it's just this story fell to the back of my mind. Again, so sorry it's late, and a little short.

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