Chapter 4

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Hello everyone, I'm so pleased that I have motivation to write, and I have one little announcement. My original word count was 1,500 words, but it's kinda hard for me to pull that off, so I lowered it to 500. Yes, the chapters will be short, but I'll make more content to compensate.

Percy POV
Principal Devon was sitting behind his desk, his face turned down in a frown. He was a fairly young guy, probably only thirty-five. He had dark brown hair, that had a small cowlick, with dark eyes that seemed to scan you mechanically as soon as you walked into his field of vision.
His face brightened when he saw me. "Mr. Jackson. Please have a seat." He gestured to the only open chair in the small office. His tone said that he was pleased to see me.
That's a first, I thought, sitting down with a huff.
Tyler was trying to stare daggers at me. I say trying, because he wasn't succeeding. His weirdly styled long blond hair reached his shoulders, his features seemingly permenantly turned down in a frown.
"I understand there was an altercation at lunch today, Mr. Jackson. I would like you to tell me exactly what happened, including what led up to this," Mr. Devon prompted.
"Well," I started, "on the first day of school, me and Annabeth, my girlfriend, were walking to class, when he decided it was okay to cut us off, and catcall her." I gave Tyler my full on I'm super pissed stare, before continuing. "Annabeth told him off, and we continued on with our day. Then, today he decided we couldn't leave it at that, and he came up to us telling Annabeth she 'owed him for that insult,' or whatever. Annabeth politely told him to bug off, but he couldn't take a hint, and took a swing at her. She caught his fist, snapped his wrist, and dislocated his shoulder. I punched him in the face."*
Mr. Devon leaned back, slowly digesting this. He looked at Tyler first.
"Mr. Willis, what did you say to Ms. Chase when she was walking through the halls?" He asked finally.
"I asked her where she was going," Tyler answered, crossing his arms.
"Did you say it in a way that could have been perceived as threatening, or inappropriate?" Mr. Devon's eyes narrowed.
Tyler reluctantly nodded.
"And you approached her at lunch, saying she owed you?"
Another nod.
"Mr. Tyler, approaching a woman like that, particularly if you can see she is with someone, is highly inappropriate. As is attempting punch her after she rejects you. Your punishment is a 3-day suspension, and detention for three weeks. Including weekends." Mr. Devon glared at Tyler, clearly angry. Then he turned to me.
"Mr. Jackson, a punch to the face, though warranted, seems hardly necessary, particularly after Ms. Chase incapacitated him."
I opened my mouth to protest, but Mr. Devon raised a hand to silence me.
"I will leave you with a warning, however, no punishment."
Now it was Tyler's turn to protest. "He punched me in the face," he cried, leaning forward in anger. Mr. Devon was not impressed.
"My desicion is final," he said, before turning to me. "Mr. Jackson, would you please send Ms. Chase in on your way out?"
I nodded. "Thank you, Mr. Devon." He smiled, and winked at me.

*I'm sorry this is such a long paragraph, I just wanted to include this as kind of a recap.

Ok, so you guys probably guessed this is a filler chapter, I just need a day or two to figure out exactly how I want this story to progress. I'm super happy that people have been voting on these chapters. I hope you enjoyed this chapter, and please give me feedback on my writing, I value your opinions.
One more announcement, I wanted to give you guys this extra chapter, as I will be in Washington DC for 4th of July week starting tomorrow, so I probably won't be posting anything during that timeframe.
(As you guys can guess this chapter was about standing up for yourself. Guys, respect girls, girls, respect guys.)
Have a great day everyone!

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