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Pranks squad :

"So for the for this week,"Mary said after John and James had met her at her locker, "we are to pull a prank. Any prank as long as it is documented in audio visual media."

"You mean record it on our phones? Plus it's not April Fools' day" John asked with a raised eyebrow.

"And the nerd has spoken!" Mary said in a loud voice.

John was relieved that very few people had arrived otherwise he would not outlive the shame.

"Move out!"Mary ordered

"Gladly,"John said walking away.

"Pranks might be a problem,"James said pointing to the cameras lining the ceiling of the school.

John froze in his steps.

"That's what makes it fun,"Mary said with a smile on her face.

Mary scanned the halls by pacing slowly. She did not want to have documented audio visual evidence of her pranks in the principal's office.


James sat in his chair uneasily. This pranking business is very risky for him. He evaluated his chances of early 'death':

1)He gets caught by the principal's cameras, parents are called and gets shipped off to Japan

2)His parents find out about the prank, splits whole crew and gets shipped off to Japan.

3)He louses the prank, hurts someone, parents are called and gets shipped off to Japan.

Getting shipped off to Japan means death in many forms. First, he will be forced to live with his uncle in a small, crowded apartment. He will be forced to adjust to the second hardest education system in the world and his parents would ensure that he never returned to America.

Without thinking twice, he abandoned the mission.

John was thinking hard about whether to continue with Mary's crazy ideas.

Maybe, he thought, she had too much caffeine or she might not be sober. Perhaps she was setting them up for some trap.

His parents were not to keen on him but they promised him fire if he started ‘growing horns.’

During recess, John went to speak to James at his locker.

"Umm,"John stuttered,"I'm not so sure about this anymore. This anti-average missions."

"Me neither,"James agreed,"My parents will kill me if they heard that I was involved in mischief."

"Just one problem,"John said.


"Mary. What do we tell her?"

"I think we tell her at the end of the week."

"No. That's too long. We tell her tomorrow."

James nodded in agreement. To terminate the contract while it was so young.

Mary read and re-read the note left on her locker by John and James as she walked to John's class.

"Hi,"she said in a feverish tone, "I'm here."

"Hey,"John started in a serious tone, "we wanted to talk to you about something. You might need to sit down."

Mary sat down with a raised eyebrow.

"It's about the pranks... "

"Oh! "Mary interjected,"I need to show you something!"she said pulling out her phone, "Look,"she touched the play button for the video to start.

It was her with a screwdriver underneath the teacher's table. She was undoing the bolts on the chair. The video then first forwarded to the first period. The teacher walked in to sit only to fall with a thud.

"I'm done,"Mary said raising her hands like a conqueror,"so how are you guys coming along?"

James was too tongue tied to answer. John was too shocked. They exchanged glances then John stood up.

"So what were you guys planning to tell me anyways?" she asked

"Nothing!"they said in unison and started to usher her out.

John and James were utterly challenged by Mary's zeal. They completely forgot that they would die if their parents discovered and started planning their pranks.

John's plan was simple. He was going to place thumbtacks on the benches of the basketball team players and watch it unfold.

James was stuck so he secretly snuck to Mary's locker  for advice from the master.

"It's simple,"she said biting into a chip she bought from the vending machine,"you have to be tactful. For you, I'll teach you a pretty harmless prank which won't put you in trouble."

"Even on camera?"

"Even on camera."

"Thanks, why are you eating chips for lunch?"

"Hey, I carried a screwdriver instead of lunch, okay?"

"We can share if you want,"

"If you think it's okay then, why not?"

The basketball players walked out of their indoor basketball court fuming angry. Whispers of 'if we find that douchebag, we'll kill him' and 'that kid will know why Joe stopped being our coach' were heard among them.

Joe used to be the basketballers' coach. He got them considerable victory until they lost the finals after he tried to get back his ex-girlfriend by leaking out their secrets not knowing the girl was dating the coach and spilled everything. Coach Joe got pummelled with basketballs till he quit. John had hit the wrong crowd.

"And that's how you make a fake spill,"Mary said after finishing her demonstration.

"Thanks,"James said, "I have to ask, how did you know this?"

"I stayed up all night searching,"Mary's eyes were twitching

"I think you're taking this a little too seriou.... "

"No I'm not!"


"I'm sorry. Have fun with your prank."

By the end of the week, the pranks were done. Audio-visual documentation as Mary  would say was presented. This time, they met at John's locker.

"Victory!"Mary yelled

"Yeah!"James joined in, "so what now?"

"We eat chips from the vending machine,"Mary suggested giving James a knowing look.

Just as they were about to leave, a group of boys commonly known as the basketball team shoved John despite his size and build in his locker.

"Free him at your own risk!"One of them threatened glaring at Mary and James. They nodded in fear until they left.



First of all I have to say I am shocked that the story itself reached 900+ words. And just when I was thinking of pulling it out of teen fiction and place it under short stories.
Sadly I cannot promise these long chapters in future but I will try


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