Chapter 4

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"Uh, I'm not complaining that you're in my arms, Blondie, but those creatures are outside." Tim says with a smirk.

"Oh, sorry." Adam softly says as he steps back, his eyes quickly glancing over Tim's nude body. "I don't think I'm ever gonna get used to those things.

"My eyes are up here." Tim chuckles.

"I know. You're distracting me." Adam sasses.

"Really?" Tim laughs.

"Yes, really. I don't make it a habit of taking to naked people." Adam says.

"Would you like to come in? You know you're still standing in the doorway." Tim smirks as he turns around to pick up his clothes to slip back on.

"Uh, do you mind if I stay until those things leave. They really scare me." Adam says as he steps into Tim's room.

"They won't leave til sunrise but I don't mind at all." Tim says as he pulls up his jeans and fastens them. "You're welcome to stay."

"Do you .. Do you have many, you know, visitors in here?" Adam asks as he nervously sits down on the bed.

"Visitors?" Tim asks, stopping midway of putting on his shirt.

"Yeah, you know." Adam says, looking around at the unmade bed.

Tim's eyes follow Adam's gaze.

"Oh, you mean sex partners?" Tim asks as he finishes putting on his shirt.

"Yeah, I guess." Adam says with a shrug.

"Yeah, I guess you might say a have quite a few. But listen, before you start getting into that pretty little head of yours that I'm a man whore ..." Tim says as he sits down beside Adam. "Let me explain something. We are stuck in this living hell for probably eternity. We do what we can to give each other a few moments of enjoyment and pleasure.  For just a little while we forget that we are dead. We forget that we all left loved ones behind. All we have is each other. And we give each other the sense of being loved again. That's why Avi was here tonight. Before him, a few nights ago, I was with Kevin. Before him, Olena. And I'm pretty sure that Jenika is with Chance tonight and Chris is with Austin. The only two that don't participate in the little sexcapades is Rob and Kelsey."

"I'm sorry, I wasn't meaning to pry." Adam says, looking down at his hands.

"Naw, that's okay. At least now you know. So." Tim scoots back into bed and leans against the headboard. "We have all night. What do you want to talk about?"

Adam let's go of a shaky sigh as he continues to fiddle with his fingers.

"I'm scared, Tim." He looks up as his blue eyes fill with tears. "I don't want to be dead."

Tim's heart breaks for the newcomer.

"Come mere." Tim says softly as he holds his arms out to welcome the frightened man.

Adam quickly crawls onto the bed and falls into Tim's comforting arms.

"Sweetie, none of us wants to be dead." Tim says, laying his cheek against the sobbing man's head. "Trust me, I would much rather be hanging out with my mom and sister or playing music somewhere instead of hiding out from these demon dogs every night. I really don't know how long I've been here but I'm trying hard not to forget the sound of my mother's voice."

"I don't mean to be such a cry baby." Adam says as he wipes his eyes.

"Sweetie, everyone that is here has gone through the same thing when they first show up. And who knows how many tears are still being shed behind closed doors." Tim says softly.

"Where you the one that found me?" Adam asks.

"Mhmm." Tim answers. "I found you lying in one of the alleys. During the day, we kinda look around for new souls. But if any comes at night, I'm sure the demon dogs get them."

"Holy cow. I'm glad I came during the day." Adam says with a light chuckle.

"Me too." Tim smiles as he hugs Adam closer. 

They lay in silence listening to the howling, snarling and growling coming from outside. 

"I hope I never see one of those things." Adam speaks, breaking the silence.

"I hope you don't either." Tim sighs. "It's not very pretty. The sun will be coming up soon and they'll be leaving."

"Uh, Tim? I'm so sorry that I spoiled your night with Avi." Adam says softly.

"As Mayor of this town." Tim chuckles. "It's my first priority to comfort the ones that need it most."

"Well, thank you Mr. Mayor." Adam says with a smile as he raises up to see the smirk on Tim's handsome face. "You'll definitely get my vote in the next election."

"Thanks, I aim to please." Tim says with a wink.

"Is that your election slogan?" Adam laughs.

"Hey, don't laugh. It's worked so far." Tim smiles.

"Seriously, though. Thank you for being here for me." Adam says as he stares into Tim's brown eyes.

"Anytime, Doll Face." Tim replies with a kind smile.

Adam leans forward and kisses Tim softly on the cheek.

Taken totally by surprise, Tim smiles as he reaches up slowly and touches his cheek.

"A small gesture of my appreciation." Adam smiles.

"You're welcome." Tim grins. "Wanna hang out with me today?"

"Sure. What do you do?" Adam asks.

"Nothing." Tim laughs and shrugs his shoulders.

"Sounds fun." Adam chuckles.

"Listen." Tim says softly.

Adam listens then shakes his head.

"I don't hear anything. What am I supposed to be listening for?" Adam asks.

"The demons are gone." Tim answers.

Adam realizes that the streets had gone quiet.

"So it's safe now?" Adam asks.

Tim climbs out of bed and heads over to the window and pulls back the curtains.

The morning sun light blinding him.

"Yep." Tim answers as he turns around.

"Cool. Mind giving me the grand tour of your little town, Mr. Mayor?" Adam chuckles.

"It would be my pleasure." Tim smiles as he reaches for the newcomer's hand.

As they walk out into the hallway, the door to Chance's room opens.

"Well, you didn't waste no time, did you Timmy Boy?" Chance laughs as he and Jenika exit the room. "His first night?"

"Nothing happened." Tim chuckles, shaking his head.

"Oh, but it will." Jenika giggles and looks over her shoulder as she and Chance walks down the hall. "It's just a matter of time."

"Uh .." Tim says as he slowly looks around meeting the blue eyes that were staring at him. "Silly dead people."


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