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I fell asleep on the couch and was awoken by the sounds of the weekly garbage pick up. With an unattractive yawn, I got up, stretching as I walked through to the kitchen, picking up my phone. As I hit the home button, and it lit up with all of the things I been MIA from, I realized I hadn't missed having it around as much as I thought I would have.

Scrolling through everything had been a task that I am glad I had avoided. There were so many people who now wanted to follow me on twitter since it came out it was me who was with Ryan. Notifications continued to pop up as I tried to look at everything. Social Media was what I was concerned about, I left the messages, voicemails and missed calls for another time. If I waited and played my cards just right, I could delete them all and still gain the information.

As I checked the time, I got up and got ready, wanting to be out of the house. I had no idea when Ryan would be here, but I knew I didn't want to be in the house. It was a chicken move, but who knew the prospect of Ryan being home would get me out of the house?

I parked my car at the park and left my phone inside of it. Knowing Ryan he would use the app that would find my phone in his search, whenever he found me missing from the house. Quickly, I locked it and walked down the hill to the bar that had one of the best signature Long Island iced tea this side of Nashville. Another perk of this bar was if you sat in just the right place you could see the park.

Just as I had yesterday, I felt terrible because I wanted nothing more than for him to hold me, but I wasn't ready for that. I was still punishing myself and I couldn't let him comfort me.

I sat down in my favorite spot and ordered my favorite drink. Tonight though, I was not drinking to get drunk, I just wanted to keep an eye out so that I could have the go ahead to go home. If he had to go to the dinner, I could go home and figure out something. I would have hours to plan.

Just as I had suspected, his car appeared driving up the hill, pulling into the spot beside my car. The gorgeous man hopped down and walked towards my car and peered in the tinted windows. Even from a few blocks away I could see his scowl in irritation when he saw I wasn't in the car. No one appeared to be in the park, he even walked towards the swings a few feet before turning back towards his car.

I sat at the bar, watching him carefully, not really worried about being seen through the windows. I knew from experience that they were tinted in a way that ones could see out, but ones could not see in. As I continued sipping and watching, he had his phone to his ear angrily talking, pacing his hands moving. That only happened when he was really excited or angry. He yanked the phone away from his ear and stared straight down at the bar. For a moment I thought we made eye contact and I had been made. It last for a few seconds too before he turned and got back in his car.

He disappeared, exiting the parking lot opposite the way he pulled in. I knew he would pass right by the windows leaving towards his parents. I was safe, he would never think that I would be at this bar. Why would I have been? As he passed, he looked towards the window, and I knew he couldn't see in, but I felt like he was looking right at me. He drove past, and I knew he wouldn't come back by.

"What time is it?" I asked the bartender.

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