Part 4 - Broken and Repaired

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The Mediterranean restaurant was extremely out of your league in terms of style, class - and particularly price. Yet, their paninis might have been the best thing you'd ever tasted. The atmosphere, like most things with Jimin, was lavishly over the top. Pristine, clean, and most uncomfortably sterile. Where were your hole in the wall restaurants with burgers over flowing with toppings and pizza that dripped grease? Where were your rickety chairs and ugly age old decor? You never thought you'd miss aspects to your poor, dingy life.

You sat at the table with Jimin and Jin on the other end, your sandwich finished, Jin's laptop in front of you. You'd been briefed that it was used for his surveillance equipment, but another gang had managed to intercept the signal with a virus. It didn't take long to run diagnostics and find the bug, but erasing it was the problem.

"When did this happen?" You asked, typing furiously.

"A few nights ago when I was helping Jungkook, candy," Jin said, watching his mouth. There were a few other families around you three happily eating, so he kept his illegal shenanigans under wraps. "Our friends intercepted his ear piece and blocked my connection. It's been unusable ever since."

"Done!" you announced excitedly, clicking the last bit of information on the screen.

Jin balked and turned his laptop around. "How?"

You cracked your knuckles, feeling your shoulders were a bit tense from being hunched over the key board for the entirety of your lunch date. "A magician never reveals her secrets."

Jimin beamed at you as if he was looking at his grand prize. "She's amazing, right? Y/n, that just earned you your lunch."

You resisted the urge to roll your eyes. "And here I thought you were going to treat me like a good girl and buy it for me anyway."

At the inflections lacing your voice, Jimin had to physically clench his fists under the table. You were teasing and mocking him, yet he couldn't see past the delicious images that flooded his mind. You, tied up on his bed, begging -

Jimin caught the look you gave him as you watched him struggle for words. No, you weren't like the other girls. He didn't want to do that with you...and yet, he wanted to do so much more. Why were you so unobtainable, so out of his reach? Why was he so attracted to someone like you? It frustrated the absolute hell out of him, enough to make him think and do things that were completely irrational.

You stiffened as Jimin leaned forward, bracing his elbow against the table and reaching out to capture your jaw in his hand. You blinked rapidly, face coloring. How many people were watching? Why was he doing something like this in public? Yet, Jimin kept hold of his icy expression, fingers tightening as he forced your gaze to meet his. He licked his lips, an inferno his eyes. "Careful, kitten," he growled low enough for only your ears, "Words are a powerful thing."

Jin cleared his throat and Jimin released you immediately. You wanted to hide under a rock with the amount of stares coming your way. "If you two are done," Jin interrupted, knowing all too well about the public eye, "I'd like to get back to the house to pack."

"When are we leaving?" You asked curiously as you all gathered your things. You didn't miss the hundred dollar bill Jimin left behind as a tip. He could be vulgar, irrational, a dick. But you'd be lying if you said he wasn't thoughtful.

"Tomorrow morning," Jimin answered, pressing a possessive hand to the center of your back as you three walked toward his Audi. You've long since given up on fending off gestures like this - Jimin could and will do whatever he wanted. "I've got some business to handle at the club tonight - will you come?"

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