Part 5 - Deeper into the Rabbit Hole

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You woke up to the sound of music being played through a speaker, turned on low. Your eyes fluttered open, and you winced at the headache that was inevitable, but you couldn't help but be distracted by the beauty of the room you were in. This wasn't your bed, it was even bigger, the sheer curtains on the window turning the room into shades of gold. The furniture was classic and larger than life - and you weren't alone.

Jimin sat on a couch across from the bed, elbows on his knees while he typed furiously away on his phone. He was dressed for the day in a t shirt, jean jacket and his signature black ripped jeans. He had attempted to push his hair back from his face with gel but a few pieces fell over his forehead anyway. He looked like an urban prince.

"Jimin," you groaned, rubbing your eye with the heel of your hand, "what happened?"

He glanced up briefly before returning to his phone. "Do you want the whole truth or do you want me to sugar coat it?"

"Whole truth, please."

He smirked to himself. "Well, you threw up on this couple and then passed out in my arms - you know, very graceful and all. Really, all the times I imagined whisking you away, it wasn't like that." You groaned, burying your head into the sheets and he chuckled. "You definitely know how to make a scene, kitten."

"And where am I?"

"My room."

"Your room? Why?"

He watched you carefully before pocketing his phone and standing back up. "Because your sheets are white and I didn't want them stained if you threw up again."

You looked down, running your hand over his dark grey, almost black bedding. "Did you...sleep in the bed?"

He came to sit by your side, handing you the pill bottle you hadn't noticed sitting on the night table. "It is my bed, after all. Take these, they'll help."

You stared at the pill bottle in your hands, almost too mortified to ask, but you had to know. "Did we...?"

He cocked an eyebrow. "Did we what?"

"You know." You waved your hand around, gesturing to the rumpled up covers.

Jimin smiled, catching a piece of your hair before it could fall in your face and moving it behind your ear, expression settled into calculation as if he were truly thinking before speaking. You found the gesture oddly gentle, as if he hadn't just used those hands to maim and tear a person to shreds last night.

"Though the idea of that happening thrills me, sadly no. You were passed out and that's really not my thing."

With the grogginess fading, you were suddenly slammed back to reality. "Do you have my phone? I want to check on Soomin! Is her car still here? I'm such an idiot!" How could you leave your best friend at the club like that? How could you be so irresponsible and get black out drunk?

Jimin also handed you the phone that was on the nightstand. "She's fine; Yoongi drove her back here. She wanted to see you, but you were too busy throwing up in my toilet."

You could feel your face turning crimson and Jimin smiled gently. "Did you see everything?"

"Yes," he laughed. "You should get dressed. I promised Jin we would leave sometime soon."

"What time is it?"

Jimin checked his watch. "Eleven Thirty. Looks like we're a bit late, but Jin already left early this morning."

BTS Mafia AU - Jimin x Reader Insert Where stories live. Discover now