Part 7 - Breaking Point

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At some point in the night, you woke up to the feeling of a presence in the room. You lifted your head sleepily from Jimin's chest, checking on him; he was out cold, sprawled on his back with an arm around your waist, the sheets exposing his glistening torso. You both were a sweaty mess still; it must not have been too long since you'd fallen asleep.

There was a movement from the bedroom door and you looked up to see a tall figure, black against a darker background. You blinked rapidly, vision blurred from sleep, but in the light of the city glow filtering through the wide windows, you could make out the man's features enough to tell who it was.

"Taehyung?" You whispered, peering to get a closer look. Your voice seemed to spook the dark figure and he dashed out of the room before you could get a better look.

"Y/n?" Jimin mumbled against your arm, drawing you back in. "Go back to bed."

You let him cradle your head back to his chest, covering yourself with the sheets before you could shiver at the cool air that had swathed your skin. You were half asleep as it was; you drifted off, believing you'd only seen your brother in a dream.

When you awoke fully, the sun was high up in the clouds, undetectable as rain droplets splattered against the open windows. You shifted in the bed, noticing Jimin's side was empty.

The bathroom door was open, and you sat up as you heard the whooshing of water from a shower head. Finding Jimin's tee on the floor, you quickly covered yourself and got up, feeling a slight ache in your inner thighs; you were going to be sore.

All thought of soreness vanished, however, as soon as you came to lean a shoulder against the bathroom door's entrance. Jimin stood beautifully under the flowing water, all for display behind the glass doors. His eyes were closed in peaceful crescent moons against his cheeks, hair slicked away from his face. His body was that of a work of art, you knew. You'd only seen something so finely sculpted in a museum.

Jimin smiled, somehow knowing you were staring without looking. "Never thought I'd be the one to call you a pervert, kitten."

"You're the one who left the bathroom door open."

He shut off the water, turning to step out of the shower, his movements confident, open. You didn't think this man had a shy bone in his body. "Come to join me?"

You cracked a smile, tossing him the towel on the counter. "Seems like you're already done."

As he dried off and started getting dressed, you didn't notice how your face fell with each passing second. Your brother's face flashed before your eyes again, like a haunting.

Jimin crossed the room to lift your chin and meet his gaze, worry shining through those dark orbs. "Are we having regrets, kitten? I thought you may have enjoyed last night judging by all those noises you were making."

You smiled at his teasing attempt to lighten your expression, but it wasn't enough for him. You let Jimin kiss you, drawing you into his arms with the towel around his waist.

You pulled away from him eventually, laughing at your own silly thoughts. "It's not that, Jimin. I don't know - I just had this stupid dream that I saw Taehyung in your room. He looked scary, as if he wasn't himself." You shrugged, turning toward the exit to find some decent clothes. "It may be me just missing him, though."

"You're probably right," he said, watching you go. "I'll be out in a second. Order room service for us."

After dressing yourself with the clothes in your duffel bag, you padded out into the kitchen in search of food, but what you found may have been just as terrifying as the break-in at your house. The computer you'd left on the table last night was now a heaping mess of smashed up metal and wires. You rushed to search for the surveillance SD card in what had once been the laptop, but came up empty handed.

BTS Mafia AU - Jimin x Reader Insert Where stories live. Discover now