Kidnapped?! | PDH Ep. 3 | Blaze x Dottie

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I've had a really busy schedule with sports, school, and more. I'll try my best to write for episodes sooner! Thanks for understanding, enjoy!

{In the forest, after the first day}

Dottie: *Bites the tape and rips it* Let me go..Balto!!

Balto: Haha, so you figured it out didn't ya?

Dottie: Well yeah! I heard you talk in school, I know your voice!

Balto: Do you wanna know why exactly I'm kidnapping you??

Dottie: Yes!! I don't understand what I did!!

Balto: You can blame Blaze

Dottie: He'll save me! Just watch!

Balto: Or will he..? *Pulls out knife from pocket*

Dottie: W-Where did you even get that!!?

Balto: *Puts it to her neck* If you don't do what I say..he won't find you..alive at least

Dottie: M-Meep! (I wanna scream for help..but I don't want this to be how I die..) O...Okay..

Balto: Good *Smirks*

Dottie: *Growls softly*

Balto: *Cuts her shoulder* Don't growl at me.

Dottie: Ouch! I-I'm sorry! *Tears up*

Blaze: *Runs out of the school* Dottie?!?!

Dottie: B-Blaze..!--

Balto: *Knocks her out with a punch*

Dottie: *Falls to the ground knocked out*

Balto: Hahaha..*Puts her over his shoulder and runs deeper into the forest*

Blaze: Where is she?! Someone told me something happened to her! Grr!

Dottie: *Slightly opens eyes and turns around to see Blaze looking for her but passes out*

{5 minutes later}

Balto: *Throws her in a shed*

Dottie: *Hits the ground hard and wakes up* Gah!!!

Balto: If you scream for help, you die. If you try to escape, you die. If you don't obey me, you die!

Dottie: *Cries softly* O...O..Okay... *A tear runs down her face* (What if I never friends, family, or..Blaze again..I'm sure my mom is worried..)

{Dottie's Mom drives up to the front of school and waits for her}

Blaze: *Runs to her car* Are you Dottie's Mom?!

Dottie's Mom: Yes..why?

Blaze: S-Something happened to her!! I-I don't know what..but she just disappeared, I asked someone and they said they saw her sitting with Balto but..they turned around for a second and she was gone!!

Dottie's Mom: baby..was..KIDNAPPED?!?!

Blaze: Yes..she has *Clenches fist*

Dottie's Mom: Were you one of her friends?!

Blaze: Yes I am

Dottie's Mom: me find her..she's my baby! I don't know what I would do if I never got to see her again!!

Blaze: On it..*Starts running home*

Dottie's Mom: *Cries* This is what happens when I let her go to a public school!!!

Dottie: *Sits and cries in a ball in the shed she was locked in* ....why me.. *She whispers to herself* Blaze..if your out there looking for me..I hope you find me soon... *Sniff*

Balto: *Slams door open* GET UP!

Dottie: *Stands up* ...

Balto: *Grabs her by her shirt* DID YOU TELL BLAZE YOU'RE HERE?!?! *Grabs her phone from her pocket and puts knife to her neck*

Dottie: N-No! I swear I didn't!! Please..I'm not lying!

Balto: *Slaps her* LIER!

Dottie: Agh!..I-I'm telling the truth! *Tears stream down her face*

Balto: Wipe those tears away! Before I do!

Dottie: *Raises her hand up to wipe her tears*

Balto: *Cuts her hand* Actually let me do it..haha!

Dottie: Gah! Ow! *Tries not to cry*

Balto: *Slaps her again* There! They're gone!

Dottie: Ngh! *Closed eyes tight* (I want to bad..I wanna fall to the ground and sit in a ball and cry myself to sleep..)

Balto: He's not going to wanna be around you anymore because I'll make you so'll be hard to look at! *He laughs as he walks out and locks door*

Dottie: *Falls to the ground* (Am I gonna die tonight..?) *Cries softly so Balto doesn't hears and looks at cut in hand* ....

Blaze: *Texts Dottie* (Dottie!!! Answer me!!! Are you ok?!)

Dottie: *Hears phone vibrate across the room* H-Huh..? *Crawls to get phone and looks at the text she got* Blaze... *Texts him back* (Blaze, please help me! I can't talk for long, if he catches me texting you, he'll kill me!! He's hurting me..cutting me..punching me..and throwing me....please Blaze I need you! I'm going to delete our texts when we're done talking, he's making threats...Blaze..I'm scared, what if I die tonight....) *Sends text*

Blaze: *Reads text*! BALTOOOO!!! I'LL KILL HIM FOR THIS!!! Grrr!!!! *Texts* (Dottie, please be safe! Don't die on me..fight through this! I'm coming..I'm looking for you! I'll kill him for this! He shouldn't have put his hands on you! He'll pay!! If he does anything worse..just please..fight through it! I'll be looking for you, I promise I'll find you! If you ever get the good enough as fast as you can!! Find somewhere to hide! I'll be with you soon!) *Sends text and runs out the door and gets on his bike and rides* ..I'll find you..

Dottie: *Hugs phone* Thank Irene... *Hears footsteps* Oh no..*Quickly deletes their texts and throws phone back where it was*

Balto: *Opens the door* Come with me now.

Dottie: *Gets up and follows him* (Please..Blaze..hurry!) ....

Balto: Get undressed. *He smirks*

Dottie: W-Wha!? No!

Balto: *Grabs his gun from out of his back pocket and points it at her* I will shoot, do what I say! Now.

Dottie: (No!!! He couldn't do that...!)

Huehuehue! Another cliffhanger!!! Do you think Blaze is gonna show up in time? Do you think Balto is actually gonna rape her?? Hmm..I wonder..stay tuned and you'll find you! ;3


Oh! Next episode is coming out tomarrow, that's a promise! Cya later!

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