School Hours | PDH Ep. 2 | Blaze x Dottie

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*Bell rings for class*

Blaze: *Opens school door and runs to class* I wonder if I could sneak in..and not get caught *Sneaks in class*

Werewolf Teacher: Blaze! You're late!

Blaze: Damnit..

Dottie: *Turns around* (Blaze..?) *She blushes lightly and turns back around*

Blaze: Oh, hey Dot--

Werewolf Teacher: BLAZE! SIT NOW!

Blaze: Geez old man, calm down *He sits next to Dottie*

Dottie: *She giggles a bit*

Blaze: Looks like we have the same class Dottie *Smiles*

Dottie: Yeah heh

Blaze: What's your next cla--

Balto:, and is that your girlfriend, she's hot *He smirks at Dottie*

Blaze: CAN I NOT HAVE A CONVERSATION WITHOUT GETTING INTERRUPTED?!??! *Looks at Balto* Damnit, why are you here?? I though you graduated??? And she's not my girlfriend..but *Grabs his shirt and pulls him close to his face* If you touch her..flirt with her..or even think about asking her out, you're dead.

Balto: Oh Blaze..I'm not scared of you, I can take your girl if I want to.

Dottie: But I'm--

Balto: Asking me out? Sure *He smirks and grabs her face*

Dottie: Get your hands--

Blaze: That's it!!! *Grabs Balto and pins him on the desk* I TOLD YOU TO STAY AWAY FROM HER!! *Is about to punch him*

Werewolf Teacher: *Grabs him arm* Class is starting, save the fights for later.

Blaze: I'll handle you later.. *Lets go of his shirt and sits down*

Dottie: Thanks..again Blaze

Blaze: Your welco--

Werewolf Teacher: SHUT UP BLAZE!

Blaze: *Bangs his in on the desk* T_T

Dottie: *Giggles*

Balto: *Kicks Blaze in the back*

Werewolf Teacher: *Isn't paying attention*

Blaze: FUCK IT! *Grabs Balto and throws him out the window* (Son on a bitch..) Hah!

Balto: *Passes out*

Dottie: (Woah..) ✪~✪

Werewolf Teacher: BLAZE! DETENTION NOW!

Blaze: Gladly.

Dottie: (It's only the first day of school and he's being sent to detention?)

Werewolf Teacher: I will call your parents and you're staying there all day.

Blaze: You think I'm scared? *Walks by Dottie and grabs her hand but let's go and walks out and slams door*

Dottie: (Eeee! He touched my hand!!!)

Werewolf Teacher: Stupid kid..

Dottie: That wasn't nice.

Werewolf Teacher: I know. Would you like detention too???

Dottie: N-No, please don't call my mom >_<

Werewolf Teacher: Then stop talking..and let me teach!

Dottie: Y-Yes sir..

Blaze: *Peeks his head through the window and throws a pencil and the teacher* Hahaha!

Werewolf Teacher: You little!!!! GRR!!

Blaze: Oh shit! *Runs*

Dottie: *Laughs*

Werewolf Teacher: What are you laughing at?!

Dottie: Nothing!

Werewolf Teacher: That's what I thought. *Gets back to teaching*

Dottie: *Her phone vibrates* (Huh?) *Reads text* (Hey Dottie, it's Blaze, meet me outside in  the back of the school in an hour, I'll tell you why later) *Responds* (Mkay, Cya then✌🏼) *Puts phone away*

{Class ends, 1 hour later}

Dottie: *Leaves class and walks out if school* (Hmm) *Goes to the back of the school* Blaze..? I don't see him--

Balto: *Runs up to her and grabs her*

Dottie: Hey! Let me go!!!

Balto: *Covers her mouth and pulls her into the trees*

Dottie: *Mumbles and struggles to escape* !?!?

Balto: *Ties her hands behind her back and taped her mouth closed*

Dottie: (A-Am I getting..kidnapped..?!)

Balto: Hahaha..where's your prince now.

Dottie: (Is that..Balto..?!!??)

Thank you for reading! If you want another part tell me and I'll make it! I hope you enjoyed! (Yep, it's a cliffhanger muahahaha!!)


Beginning of School | Dottie X Blaze Fanfic | Ep.1 Season 1 | Phoenix Drop High Where stories live. Discover now