Chapter 3

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C H A P T E R   T H R E E:
"Do you think he knows his flies down again?" Asher whispers to me as we sit in our third period history class.
I look up from my notes to see Mr. Edwards's zipper has been left down for the second time this week, leaving his neon pink underwear on display for the whole class to see.
I try to muffle the small snicker that leaves my mouth before Mr. Edwards eyes flicker down to my own.
"Is something funny, Miss Summers?" he asks me, his tone stern.
"It's nothing sir." I say to him, trying to look anywhere but into his eyes.
"Of course not. Now you can share it with the class if it's so hilarious. I don't have time for these silly little profanities in my class room." He states.
"I really don't think you want me to do that, Mr. Edwards..."
"Would you rather I send you to the principal's office for disrupting my class then, Summers? Spit it out." He threatens. I can tell he's getting angrier by the minute.
"Your fly is down sir..." I mutter.
The class erupts in a wave of laughter before all of the blood rushes to Mr. Edwards face.
He quickly turns around as he fumbles with his zipper.
"SILENCE... NOW!! EVERYONE STOP LAUGHNG OR ILL GIVE OUT DETENTIONS TO THE LOT OF YOU!" he screams, struggling to get the zip up.
"Poor old fella... it is his own fault though. I mean the guy did bring it upon himself if I'm honest. He should have listened" I whisper to Ash as we both try and contain our laughter.
The bell rings.
"Class dismissed!" Mr Edwards screams as he crams all of his belongings into his briefcase and scrambles out of the classroom.
I close my locker before slinging my bag over my shoulder and making my way down to the football field. Charlie has training and he's my ride home.
For our sixteenth birthday, our parents had bought us a black convertible to share. I wouldn't be complaining all of the time if I actually received my fair share in said car but hey, Charlie's the one paying for fuel so I can't complain too much.
I bop my head along to the music pouring out of my headphones as I make my way along the bleachers, dropping my bag and sitting in the warm sun.
Most people would probably complain over the fact of having to stay at school any longer then we were already forced to, but surprisingly enough I didn't mind it. The team had its fair share of eye candy for me to drawl over, plus with my recent groundings, it gave me an excuse to get out of the house for as long as possible.
I lay down, using my bag as a pillow and bring my feet up to the seat before closing my eyes.
Suddenly, I hear a manly high pitched scream.
I open my eyes, coming face to face with a squealing Parker.
"Jefferson... nice to see you're still the halfwit you were the last time you graced me with you presence." I say, rolling my eyes in the process.
"I know you missed me Summers, you don't have to hide it." He says, battering his eyelashes like a premature teenage girl.
He pushed my feet off of the chair before sitting down. I groan at this but sit upright anyway.
"Come on kitty, give me a hug. I missed you the most you know!" He yells at me before harshly pulling me against his hard chest and embracing me with his muscular arms.
I hug him back, awkwardly patting his shoulder. Although I wouldn't admit it, I did miss Parker... a lot.
Parker and I went way back. We began dating three years ago in the ninth grade, but we had always had our eyes out only for each other. As much as I hated to admit it, I think we loved each other more now than we ever did back then.
It wasn't until the end of grade eleven that we had decided to go on a break, or so much as calling it quits. We both had a lot going on, although I was the one who suggested it. It was back when my life was beginning to fall downhill. The partying and everything topping it off. Parker had always been there for me, throughout everything. But I couldn't put him through it anymore. He had his own stuff going on that he needed to focus on, I wasn't going to be a distraction.
"So how was it? Did you have all the girls falling at your feet like you expected?" I asked him.
"Pfft, you're the only girl I have my eye out for baby, you should know that by now." He tells me with a nudge.
I look down and fumble with my hands. I'm never nervous unless there's a certain someone who goes by the name of Parker around.
"I missed you Park..." I whisper to him.
I can't deny that I still love Parker. I never stopped.
"I know P, I know." He says as he pulls me into a hug and kisses the top of my head.
He pulls away and looks into my eyes, moving my hair out of my face and stroking my cheek.
"What do you say we get out of here and go find somewhere quiet?" He says, his eyes filed with hope.
"I would love to but if you hadn't already heard from my brother, I'm grounded again."
"He'll cover for us... you know he will. And you know your parents love me. I'm sure they'll be over the moon by the fact that we're spending some time together." He says.
I nod before we both stand up and grab our stuff.  He reaches for my hand and pulls me over to the field where my brother Charlie is standing.

Cliffhangeerrrr, don't hate me hehe. Until next time xx

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