Alex vs Matt

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Alex's p.o.v

"Alright, see you guys tomorrow!" I waved as I left my work.

I walked out the door and rushed over to Matt and Val's for my competition with Matt. Their house is a 10 minute walk from here so I rushed there, carefuly crossing the busy roads. I bought a few energy drinks on my way there, I feel like I'll need them.

"Alright Matthew! I am here and ready to whoop ass!" I yelled as I entered their house. There were footsteps running down the stairs, which were made by Matt. He ran into the living room after me.

"You ready!?" He asked. I nodded and sat next to him on the floor infront of the tv. I tied my hair up into a messy bun and clicked my fingers. Matt started the game up while I made a small sofa on the floor out of the dark blue soft cushions. He handed me a controller and sat on a single cushion that he stole from me. He chuckled and pressed 'start'. It's on!

Jimmy's p.o.v

"Hey Brian! What's up?" I asked as I wandered into his house. He sat on the sofa with a beer in hand.

"Ugh, nothing. You?" He replied.

"I came to see you, where's Lex? Thought she'd be over here with you" I asked and sat down next to him.

"She's over Matt's house remember" He mumbled against the bottle's top then took a sip.

"Ah yeah. Why dont we go check on them before they start killing each other in reality?" I suggested. Brian nodded and and sat up.

"Yeah, maybe we should" He said, I followed him out of the room.

"Besides I know you want to see Alex" I chuckled causing him to glare and punch my arm. "Oh you know it's true Brian"

"No comment" He said, hiding a smile. We left his house and got into my car to go to Matt's.

Alex's p.o.v

Matt was pretty good but nothing I couldnt handle. While we played I heard the front door open and close, but I ignored it, too zoned in to beating Matt.

"Lex, you are so going down!" Matt yelled.

"Oh bring it, bitch!" I growled. It was starting to get really hot and I was still wearing my work uniform so I quickly put the controller down and pulled my shirt off over my head and threw it. I was left in my black skinnies and a black vest top. I picked up the controller again and carried on.

"Wow, Lex. Look how fast you can take your clothes off" I heard Val say behind me, I laughed and carried on.

"Oh I can take my clothes off faster if I wanted to" I smirked. "Matt! Move you dick!"

"Hm maybe we should tell Brian that" She chuckled. I flipped her off. Matt paused the game and looked at me with raised eye brows.

"What the hell?"

"You and Brian? Did you two-"


"Do you want to-"

"Hey guys!" Jimmy yelled interrupting Matt. I took that as my chance to resume the game and kill Matt.. again.

"Yes!! I am the best! Beep beep motherfucker! I whooped your ass!" I squealed, jumping up and pointing at Matt. Matt's mouth was literally dropped to the floor, actually everyone's were. "I told you I was the best, but do you listen to me? No. Well sorry guys, you were wrong" I saw Brian starting to laugh.

"I didnt say Matt would beat you so technically I wasnt wrong" He said with a smirk.

"But you didnt say I'd win so you were wrong" I said with my hands on my hips. Brian imitated me by putting his hands on his hips and pushed his chest out. Val scoffed and walked over to him and pushed his chest out further.

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