Gift Giving

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Alex's p.o.v

I groaned as I walked through my front door, being home from work usually relaxed me but Matt and Val are coming over to talk to me about this little Brian thing that's going on. All through work I couldn't push him from my thoughts. It was pissing me off so much I was about to yell at the customer I had with me. So I obviously in an ultra pissy mood, I was hungry, I was tired, I wanted Brian, and I just wanted to relax but I cant. I groaned louder and threw my bag across the room as collapsed on the sofa, kicking my feet up on to the couch. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath before pulling my phone out of my pocket. I heard my phone going off a few times while I was walking home but I ignored. I unlocked it and searched through the three texts and two phone calls;

*Flippy <3;

Hey! You busy today? x*

*Flippy <3;

I called over to your work, they said you were really pissed off and seemed upset. What's up? xx*

*Flippy <3;

Alright, I'm coming over!*

Both phone calls were also from Brian. Just as I was gonna reply, my door opened and Brian's head popped through. He smiled at me and came in, closing the door behind him and kneeling down by me on the floor. He frowned at me while I raised an eye brow at him.

"What's wrong? I know there is something bothering you so tell me and then I can help you" If only I could, Bri.

"Just. Not feeling it today, y'know" I shrugged.

"I get that but why were you gonna hit a customer?" He asked, trying not to laugh.

"I'm just in a really bad mood. It happens"

"You sure that's it?" He said, probably not believing me. I nodded and fake smiled at him. "Alright then, c'mere" He said, sitting up with his arms open for a hug. I gladly accepted and wrapped my arms around him, leaving my head on his shoulder when my door opened again. We looked over toward the door to see Val and Matt smirking. I blushed hard and pulled away from Brian who looked between the three of us with a raised eye brow. "Um, hey?"

"Hi Syn, we kinda have to talk to Lex so can you come back later?" Val asked him. He slowly nodded and looked back at me.

"See you later then" He grinned and ruffled my hair which made me laugh quietly. He got up and as he walked past Matt and Val he whispered, rather loudly as I heard, "She's upset, she said she's fine but I know there's something else" He then left. I groaned and sat up. I'm still not ready for this conversation.

"Ready to spill?" Val asked sitting next to me. I shook my head. "Yeah, neither would I"

"So, how do you feel about him?" Matt asked. I shrugged. "Do you feel strongly for him? Or just like a crush?"

"I suppose both" I answered. "I mean I like being around him and shit"



"What are you gonna do about this?" Matt asked. I shrugged.

"Nothing really. At least, not for a while"

"Alright then. What are you planning on doing today?" Val asked just as my phone started to ring from the table. I leaned over and checked to see it was Flippy <3.

Hey Brian, what's up?

I feel the need to cheer you up so be ready in comfy clothes cause I'm bringing movies, chocolate, milkshakes, the whole lot!

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