Sexy Lexy

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Alex's p.o.v

I snuggled further into what I thought was my pillow but felt different. I flickered my eyes open to see a shirtless sleeping Brian. I smiled tiredly and yawned, carefully lifting myself from him. His arm that was wrapped securely around my waist tightened slightly, and muffled words from Brian sounded. I sort of lay myself back down onto his chest and placed my hand where his heart was, my fingers softly tapped along with the feeling of his heartbeat. I kept my eyes on Brian's face hoping he'd wake up. There was soon a small smile on his lips followed by his eyes opening.

"Hey" He said tiredly. "What time is it?" I looked over at the small alarm clock on the bedside table.

"Nearly 9am"

"Fuck! That's early" He groaned.

"I know, Zacky's picking me up at 12 and I need to shower and get ready" He sighed.

"But I don't want you to get up. It's comfy like this" He whined with a little pout. I grinned at him.

"Come on! I have to shower" I said, laying my head back down in the crook of his neck. "Brian!"

"Ugh. Fine. You owe me one Baker!" He groaned and finally let go of my waist. I sat up and smiled. "Unless" He started. I turned to face him, I already knew what he was going to say according to the smirk on his lips. I rolled my eyes playfully.

"No you cant join me in the shower" I said as I left the room. I heard a "Awww, meanie" from Brian. I walked into my bathroom, turned on the shower for it to heat up and pulled off my sort of boxer short pj's and white vest top.

Brian's p.o.v

I wandered into Lex's living room, turning the tv on and plonking myself down onto the leather sofa. I looked above the tv at the clock to read the time, '9:15'. I didn't pay much attention to what was on tv, I just thought back to last night with Lex. We hung out and Lex told me about her life back in the Uk, she told me about her parents who are Zacky's aunt and uncle, she talked about her younger sister, Olivia and her childhood there in England. I still haven't gotten over her accent though, it's gorgeous. I've heard English accents before and thought they were cool but Alex's is different, it suits her amazingly.

I returned to reality when the bathroom door opened behind me, I turned and saw Lex in just a towel. She locked eyes with me and blushed, I couldn't help but smirk. She was still slightly wet from the shower and being a guy that is kind of a turn on. 'Damn it Lex'. 

"Brian, what are you watching?" She asked. I turned to look at the tv and it was the weirdest thing I have seen. I shrugged and turned back to Alex.

"No idea" I chuckled. She giggled and shook her head.

"Well, I'm gonna get dressed so don't walk in on me in my room" She laughed and walked into her bedroom, shutting the door behind her. I turned my attention back to the tv, still not really paying attention to it.

Alex's p.o.v

I stood in my bedroom only in my black spotted bra and all black panties, searching through my bedroom for clothes to wear. I decided on a pair of black skinnys, a black vest top, and a black and blue plaid shirt that would be unbuttoned on top of my vest top. I pulled on my clothes, and a pair of socks and chose my black and blue chucks.

I straightened my hair and put on my usual make up, so eye liner, powdered foundation, maskara and lip gloss. Once I was completely ready, I left my room and joined Brian on the sofa in my living room. He grinned at me, showing off his perfect teeth.

"Took your time"

"Shut up. I couldn't find anything to wear" I pouted. Brian chuckled and wrapped his arm around my shoulders.

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