Stay With Me

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Brian's p.o.v

I flickered my eyes open to find Lex straddling my lap and on her phone. She didnt notice I had woken up so continued doing whatever. I chuckled quietly and sat up, gaining her attention. I kissed her lips sweetly then pecked her nose and cheek making her giggle and wrap her arms around my neck. That giggle being the most adorable sound I have heard.

"Morning sunshine" I grinned. She chuckled softly and twirled her fingers in my hair as usual.

"Mornin' Brian" She said quietly. I gasped making her raise an eye brow.

"What? No pet name?" I pouted. She rolled her eyes but giggled.

"Morning baby" She said, pecking my lips.

"That's better" I said, kissing her back. "Feeling better today?"

"Yeah, I think so" She smiled. "I got up to get coffee but I've ran out so I'm trying to persuade Zacky to bring me some"

"Is he going to?" I asked, gaining a sigh as a reply.

"I dont think so" She pouted. 

"I'll give him a call" I said, picking up my phone and dialling his number.

 'Hey Zack?'


'Do me a mahoosive favour..'


'Bring coffee to Lex's'


'Pleaassseeee Zack'

'I'm busy'

'C'mon man, you owe me'


'You just do, now please'

'Fuck sake, fine'

'Thanks dude'

"You are welcome" I grinned. Lex grinned widely back and crashed her lips to mine. "You and your coffee"

"I love my coffee"

"I know you do, and your pizza"

"Mhmm, of course" She giggled, pulling away from the kiss. "I love my pizza.. Do you think Zacky will bring pizza?" I gave her a look which she nodded in reply. "Didnt think so.."

"Baby, dont you have work today?" I asked as I sat next to her and Zax on the sofa.

"Not until later. I've got a late shift cause of deliveries and shit. i dont need to be there until 7pm"

"Alright fair enough" I said, smoothing Zax's head.

"Okay, here's your coffee" Zacky said, entering the apartment suddenly with a shopping bag. He dropped down on the sofa on the other side of Lex, quickly fussing Zax. "I brought you coffee, cookies, movies and pizza"

"Really?" She squealed, sitting up. "You brought pizza?!" He nodded. "I fucking love you" She grinned hugging him tightly. Oh how I wish she'd say that to me.. "Alright. I'll be right back" she said before getting up to go into the bathroom. Once she was out of sight, Zacky turned to face me.

"What was that look?" He asked sternly.

"What look?" I questioned.

"The disappointed expression you made when Lex said she loves me? Is there something you're not telling me?" He asked holding back a smirk.

"No.. Nothing to tell you" I said falsely. I raised an eye brow.

"Don't lie. Cmon tell me. Do you love Alex?" He asked slightly shocked but happy.

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