This is Mrs. VaCa. She lives on the southern beaches of Hawaii! Her family buisness is in music and entertainment. As she grew older sge became more distant from other ponies or any visiters. VaCa was known to be a huge fangirl of book series after series. After reading so many books she wrote her first fanfiction of Percy Jackson, getting her cutie mark. Mrs. Vaca is a very relax and kind pony, but can get protective of her little sister Loctus. As Mrs. VaCa worked in her Parents buisness, she didnt like it. She felt incomplete in her life and needed to follow her passion. She decided came to Equestria to become a famous auther and journalist. After some time she moved to a village close to the everfree forest. The most dangerous forest in Equestria. After her adventures and meeting many creatures along the way such as sea surpents, griffins, Cerberus, and other mythical beast. She wrote her adventures over the years in a book that soon became her inspiration for her own book series called Savannah Myths and the Adventures of Destiny! After her goal was completed she became a famous writer and a part time journalist, but still have time to go to Hawaii to catch some waves!
Tell me in the comments if I need to fixe the bio or character design!