Chapter 30

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Caitlin's P.O.V.

His voice.. I kept hearing his voice in my head. He was pleading, sobbing, he was so terrified. Yet I did it, I killed him. He was so young, and he didn't deserve to die that way. I was sitting on my bed basically in shock.

"You weren't yourself Caitlin"

"But it was still me, I still killed him.. me" A tear began to slither down my cheek.

"When the oni checked you for the evil spirit they somehow made your powers become out of control. They gave you strength, your powers became the color of the fireflies. You weren't yourself since then. The oni took over you, they made your powers spiral. You did not have control over that" Deaton explained.

I picked up my hand and the glow surrounded it. It was red, it was back to normal "What did you do?"

"I know a few things about Wandas" He hinted a small smile.

I brought my hand back down when I saw my hand shaking.

"Come on, let's get you home" Deaton said as he put his hand on top of mine to stop it from shaking.

I felt a hand touch my shoulder and a whisper making me jump up a few feet.

"Hey, it's okay. It's okay"

I turned my head to see the nogistune. I tried to scoot away from him on my bed "No, stay away from me!" I exclaimed.

He held his hands up at me "No it's okay. It's me, it's me Stiles"

I stopped and looked at him "S-Stiles?"

"It's me, it's okay" He kept reassuring me.

I stayed still for a second before looking into his eyes. I know my brother, this is him. I leaned forward and wrapped my arms around his neck. He hugged me back tightly. I felt so disconnected these past few days without my brother. I let out a sigh as we pulled away.


The next morning I was laying in bed. I didn't feel like going to school, I closed my eyes but opened them when my phone vibrated. I picked it up and checked it to see it was Derek. He had been messaging me all morning. I texted him a simple message; I'm fine.

After sending the message I turned off my phone. I set it down on the night stand as I closed my eyes. I didn't exactly sleep last night. After getting probably only a few minutes of sleep I heard someone enter the room. I turned on my back when I felt someone sit on the bed.

"How are you doing pumpkin?" Dad asked.

"I'm fine dad"

"Are you sure? I called you a few times today but you didn't answer"

"Sorry, I turned my phone off for awhile"

Dad's radio began to go off, he was still on shift. He responded on his radio before he turned to me "I'll call you later pumpkin" He said as he leaned down and kissed my forehead. He stood up and began walking to the door "Turn your phone on" He said as he walked out.

I turned back to lay on my side. I closed my eyes slowly a few times, I sniffed as a tear fell from the side of my eye onto the pillow.


When things couldn't get any worse, they did. Allison is dead, she's gone. I wasn't so close to her but she was still my friend. I ate some food and took a shower before I climbed back into my bed. I was laying on my side with my back facing the door. I heard footsteps enter the room, I knew it was dad.

"Dad, I already told you I'm fine" I complained as I sat up from the bed and turned my head to the doorway. To my surprise it wasn't dad, it was Derek.

He had his hands stuffed in his black leather jacket pockets "Hey" He said as he walked into the room.

"Hey" I said with a soft sniff, safe to say I had been crying for awhile.

"I've been calling you" He said.

I slid my legs towards me bringing them up to my chest "Yea sorry, I've had my phone off for awhile"

"What's going on Cait?"

I laid my chin on my knees for a second as I looked away "Nothing, nothing everything is fine"

"I know your lying"

I shook my head as I swung my legs over my bed and stood up "Derek I'm fine. Actually my dad wanted me to meet him at the station so I'm gonna get going" I walked passed him heading to the door.

I felt a hand grab my wrist making me turn around "Cait-"

"Derek I'm fine, really" I said lying through my teeth. I looked up at Derek, he had sorrow eyes. I looked away as I got out of his grasp. I walked out of my room and headed to the front door. 

Before I walked out I turned around and looked upstairs to my room. I felt bad, lying to him but I knew I had to. I turned around and walked out of the front door.


It didn't take me long to get to the station. I slowly walked in and the further I got the more confusing it was. I saw deputies laying on the floor, blood everywhere. I looked around until I saw dad leaning against a desk and his deputy Parrish was next to him facing me.

"Dad!" I exclaimed as I began running towards him.

He turned to me "Cait! Watch out!" 

I stopped and turned around when I heard a whooshing sound. My eyes widened when I saw an oni standing there in front of me. Before I could do anything the oni slashed my thigh. I screamed out in pain as I fell on the floor. By the time I looked up the oni was gone. I took a few quick breaths and limped over to where dad was.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

"Yea, what about you?" He asked.

I looked down at my hand that was clasping over my bleeding out thigh "Just great" I said sarcastically as I looked back up at both of them. 

"Why did they let us live?" I looked at his tag and read Parrish. He groaned because of his cut on his stomach. 

Dad picked up his arm to reveal his cut on his arm, there was black smoke coming out "I'm not so sure they did"

I looked down at my meg to see the black smoke coming up "God I hate those ninjas" I whispered.

"I see you finally got out of bed" Dad joked.

I scoffed "Yea well I got hungry and there was nothing in the fridge. But then I decided why not come check on you. Turns out I won't be eating for a little while longer"

I heard Parrish laugh. I groaned as my hand continued to clasp my thigh. Time passed by and it was dead silence. I was sweating and I could feel myself getting weaker. The only way I was holding myself up was with my hand. I was beginning to slip, and the only person I could think about was Derek. 

Author's Note:

That death of that kid will put a toll in Caitlin. Will Derek be able to help her get through it?

We shall find out!

Thanks for reading my chapters! ❤️

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