Chapter 41

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Caitlin's P.O.V.

"This place is like a ghost town. Ever since my dad called a curfew I have not seen any cars pass by"

"When did he do that?" Derek asked. We were talking on the phone as I was sitting on my bed.

"A few days ago. After 9 the streets are deserted"

"I wouldn't say that"

I stopped for a second "What do you mean?" I asked in a confused tone.

"Hmm, I like how you guys rearranged the living room"

My heart began to beat quickly. Without thinking I stood up dropping my phone on the bed and running out of my room. Stiles was in his room with Malia probably working on the crime board. I ran down the stairs so fast. I squealed when I saw Derek standing a few feet from the door. As soon as I reached the bottom step I ran to his open arms. I jumped into his arms as I wrapped my legs around him.

Derek laughed as our lips touched. I giggled and my feet touched the floor and we pulled away "What are you doing here?"

"Just thought I'd come in and check on you" He said with a smile.

I leaned in and smacked my lips on his. I let out a soft hum then pulled away "Well I'm glad you did"

"How are you doing?" He asked.

"I'm good. Just freaked out that there is a serial killer running around Beacon Hill but then again this is Beacon Hills. Of course there is someone running around killing other people" I looked down.

"Hey" He grabbed my chin and picked up my head "Your safe, that's all that matters to me"

My Apple Watch chimed and my looked at it. A message came though from Jake "Turn on the tv" It read.

"Who's Jake?" Derek asked.

Without answering him I walked over to the tv and turned it on. It was the same reporter from a few days ago.

"Now the Beacon Hills Sheriff's department has reported that yet another body has been found"

"Oh my god" I whispered "Stiles!" I yelled. A few seconds later I heard rapid footsteps run down.

"That's the fifth body found in the duration of two weeks. Residents are advised to stay indoors, if there is something suspicious please call the Sheriff's Department"

"I can't believe they found another one" Malia said.

"How's your crime board coming along?" I asked turning to Stiles.

"All the other victims were all females in their 20's"

"Have they released the name?" Malia asked. 

"This is the first we hear about this, they must've found her body a little while ago. Have you heard from Melissa about the autopsies?"

Stiles shook his head "No not yet"

"Come on, let's go see what else we can find" Malia told Stiles. He nodded as they both left upstairs.

I turned back to the tv and noticed Derek staring at me "What?" I asked when I looked at him.

"Who's Jake?"

"He's just a friend I met at school" I said with a small shrug.


The next day Scott, Malia, Stiles, Liam, and I were at the house looking at the crime board. Derek was only in town for last night, he left in the morning.

Journey from Hatred to Love (Derek Hale)Where stories live. Discover now