Chapter 42

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Caitlin's P.O.V.

The next few days I was watched like a hawk. The entire pack was taking turns watching over me. When I woke up I looked around and sighed in relief when I saw no one around.

"Finally" I whispered.

I stood up from my bed grabbed some clothes and headed to the shower. Once I showered and got dressed I approached my closed door. I opened it and snapped back in surprise. "Seriously?" I asked as I looked at Liam who was standing next to my door with his arms crossed over his chest. He was staring straight at me.

"Yea" He responded with almost a smile.

I rolled my eyes as I began to walk to the stairs. I could hear his footsteps right behind me.


"It sucks, I seriously haven't gotten any privacy except for using the bathroom" I said rolling my eyes as I sat on the picnic bench with Jake. He and I had gotten close over the course of the weeks.

"Well they're just trying to protect you. A psycho serial killer is nothing to joke about"

I hadn't told him everything. Just that there's a serial killer rolling around targeting females who are in their mid 20's, which I'm a target.

"I can protect myself" I said in defense.

"You? You can protect yourself against an armed killer out there? How?"

I was about to open my mouth but then I closed it. Nope, can't tell him why.

"Is it Liam's turn to watch over you?" Jake asked.

I turned around to see what he was looking at. Liam was standing by a tree watching me. I turned back around "Yup"

"Well you can tell him to take a break. We can hang out today, I'll look over you"

I smiled "Thanks, but I got a few things to do today"

He nodded his head "Okay" His phone began to buzz in his pocket. He took it out and looked at it "I gotta go, but I'll see you later?"

I nodded my head "Yea"

We both stood up. He waved at me as he walked away.


Liam dropped my off shortly afterwards at Jordan's house. I was still helping him figure what he was. We both were sitting at the kitchen.

"What if you need to get mad" I suggested.

"Mad? Why would I need to get mad?" He asked.

I shrugged my shoulders "I don't know maybe you just need to tap into the supernatural side of you" I punched his shoulder "Come on" I said punching his shoulder again "Punch back"

He softly chuckled "I'm not gonna hit you back"

I stood up from the chair "Come on, just punch me back" I said as I threw another punch at his shoulder.

He stood up and stood in front of me "No, I'm not gonna hit you"

I began to punch his shoulder repeatedly "Come on Jordan, come on" I kept going "Are you getting mad yet? Are you getting mad?"

He grabbed onto his shoulder "No"

I stopped and rolled my eyes. I looked around and spotted a bowl on the counter. I walked over to it and grabbed it.

"Wait, what are you doing with that?" He asked as I walked over to him.

I set down the bowl on the counter where we were standing and I stuck my hand inside. I had a smirk on my face.

Journey from Hatred to Love (Derek Hale)Where stories live. Discover now