Chapter 31

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Caitlin's P.O.V.

They were gone. The oni were gone, our wounds healed. The nogistune was gone, we were all okay. Well, most of us were okay. One of the twins was dead. 

Over the course of the next few days I was hanging around the house and the station. Stiles was with Scott and they had gone camping. I was sitting on a chair at the station spinning around right outside of dads office.

"Shouldn't you be at school?" 

I stopped and looked up to see Parrish approaching. He sat on his chair, turns out I was right in front of his desk.

"I have enough credits already plus I thought I'd help out here"

"Your running away from something aren't you?"

I turned my chair facing him "What are you talking about?"

"You've spent so much time here in the past few days than I've ever seen"

I sighed "I don't know, I guess you can say Derek and I broke up"

"I'm sorry"

I looked at him "Thanks, so what cases do we have?" I asked leaning up at his desk trying to see a file he had sitting on his desk.

He covered the file "We.. don't have any cases"

I loudly exhaled as I leaned back on the chair "Fine. But I have helped you on a few cases so give me credit for that"

Parrish looked at me "Yea, thanks for that. But you should go home and get some rest. And tomorrow you should go to school"

"I will, but maybe only for half the day" I stood up and smiled at him before I walked out. I got home and ate something before I showered and went to bed. 

I miss Derek, I haven't spoken to him in a few days or seen him for that matter. The next day at school I was minding my own business. I was walking through the hallway when someone ran in front of me.

"Stiles" I said surprised "What's up?"

"Where have you been all this time?" He asked waving his arms in the air.


He was moving around like he really had to leave "Look Cait, I know you've had some things going on. I don't know what it is because you haven't exactly talked to any of us but this is not good. You can't keep pushing us away you know"

I nodded my head "Yea, I know. I'll see you later" I walked passed him and walked out of the school. 

I headed to the station and when I got there I happily began walking to dad's office. I began to slow down when I saw someone sitting on a bench. I slowly approached as I saw Parrish and another deputy sitting across from him at the desk.

"Hey.. guys.. who is this?" I asked as I turned to the teenage looking boy. He was pretty cute, but he looked almost familiar. I turned to him and he looked up at me.

"I ran this kid's prints eight times. This is all that comes up" The other deputy said and they looked at the computer.

"Derek Hale?" He questioned.

My eyes widened "What?" I walked over to the computer and peaked at it.

"Did you say Hale?" Dad questioned as he walked over and peered at the computer too.

I saw a side image of my Derek with thumbprints next to it. I walked back over to the guy and stared at him "Holy... shit"

"What?" The young Derek questioned.

Dad walked over and stared at him before he looked back at the computer. I turned my head when I saw Scott and Stiles walk in. I turned back and saw dad exhale before turning back to Parrish "I'll handle this" He turned to Stiles and Scott as he motioned for them to follow him inside his office. They walked in as I stayed outside.

"Your Derek" I said.

He looked at me "Uh yea" He said in a obvious tone.

I scoffed out a small laugh and leaned against the door to listen in to their conversation. I heard that Derek was found buried in a tomb of wolfsbane in an Aztec temple in Mexico underneath a church in the middle of a town that was destroyed by an earthquake. That somehow he had been de-aged backwards.

I bursted inside and closed the door behind me "So that Derek somehow got aged backwards into a teenager.. my Derek?" I said pointing to myself.

"I thought the two of you broke up" Dad pointed out.

"Broke up not talking doesn't matter. Point is that he may be Derek but that is not Derek" I said.

"Let me talk to him, he'll talk to me" Scott said as he turned around to look at Derek.

Dad nodded his head "Okay" 


"Why didn't you go with them?" Parrish asked me.

I continued to spin on the chair I was sitting on "I don't know"

"It's not like I haven't enjoyed your company here but you've been here all day. Your running from something"

I stopped the chair and looked at him.

"Go home Cait" He picked up a dew files and walked away.

I watched as he walked away. I exhaled loudly before I stood up and walked out of the station.


I didn't go home. Instead I was at the school helping them fight what are apparently called Berserkers. Scott, Malia, Kira, and I were fighting them but were apparently losing. We got thrown on the floor. I was laying right next to Kira. But suddenly young Derek came back and began fighting the Berserkers. 

He was able to fight them off but in the process of doing so he was becoming his old self again. There was suddenly a loud screech that sent the Berserkers running the other way. He stood up as did we. 

"Derek?" Scott asked.

Derek came out of the dark and we realized he was his old self again. He's turned back. His eyes glowed yellow. I glanced down and let out a loud exhale.

"Oh thank god" I looked up to see all eyes were on me "What?" I asked looking from Derek to Scott and the others "I didn't really like the old Derek" 


The next morning I went over to Derek's loft. I didn't really talk to him when he turned back into his old self. But last night Stiles convinced me to talk to him. So I went in the morning, and I explained everything to Derek.

"Why did you think you couldn't tell me?" Derek asked.

We were sitting on his couch "I don't know" I said with a shrug "I think I was just ashamed, I mean I killed someone" I covered my hands over my face.

"Which is why you should've talk to someone" He said grabbing my hand causing me to uncover my face.

"I know and I'm sorry for pushing you away"

"Just promise me that you will talk to me from now on. Doesn't matter what it is"

I nodded my head slowly "Yea"

He put his arm around me and pulled me into a hug. I laid my head on his shoulder. I took in a deep breath and when I exhaled it was shaky. I felt Derek tightened the hug and I felt him kiss my head. I softly smiled.

Author's Note:

I hope the story isn't getting boring for you guys. My plan is to go all the way to the end! Of course there will be drama from the show and my own drama that I put in. 

Thanks for reading my chapters! ❤️

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