Chapter 3

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    "YOU WHAT!?" I had just learned that my girlfriend had cheated on me. "I'm so sorry..." Claire trailed off "What the hell??" "I was at a party,  we were both drunk and we kissed." She was now sobbing "I'm so sorry I didn't mean to." "God, couldn't you just text me and get me to pick you up?" "Aiden I'-" "Get out, we're done." I said. "Please." She tried. "GET OUT NOW." Claire grabbed her bag and ran out. A couple minutes later I heard a door slam and I knew it was over. My legs instantly turned into jelly, and I turned into a heap of a crying mess.

    By the time dinner rolled around someone knocked on my door "Dinner's ready" it was Jackson "I'm not hungry." I said "Can I come in?" He asked. I didn't respond, so I guess he took that as a sign that he could enter. He opened the door and saw me sitting in the middle of the floor crying. "Hey, it's okay. What happened??" He said in a soothing voice. He came over and put his arms around me giving me a tight hug. "She- she cheated on me with some skank at a party." "Well screw her." Jackson said. That made me laugh. "Come on let's get you cleaned up and head to dinner, I made your favourite mozzarella sticks and pizza." I got cleaned up as fast as I could and ran down the stairs to get a slice. When we were all seated we thanked Jackson and ate dinner in silence. After dinner I didn't feel like doing anything, so I just headed to my room to finish my homework and to get some sleep.
As soon as my head hit the sack I was out like a light.

    I woke up to Jackson waking me up both some breakfast in bed, pancakes,toast and orange juice. I finished it quickly hoping those were hairs she had found in the meal. "Thanks for the breakfast." "No problem, btw Ryan made it." "You waited until after I ate it?" "Yup. Bye." "Bye." After Jackson left I got dressed and headed downstairs. When I got downstairs I heard mom and dad arguing about the government. I heard dad say "We have to overthrow them sometime soon." I had to go so I wouldn't be late for school, but I was going to have to do something about this.

    When I got to school Brandon came over to talk to me. "Hey." "Hello." I said back. "I heard about you and Clairvoyance, I'm sorry." "Thanks. I'm kind of glad she's gone, but I miss her being there beside me." I sniffled. "Hey," he tilted me head so I was looking him straight in the eyes. The way he looked at me made my heart do backflips. His ice blue eyes were so piercing. "It'll be okay." He said pulling me into his 6'5 muscular frame, since I wash 5'4 he seemed like a giant. The bell rang telling us we had to go to class. We broke off our embrace and headed our separate ways.

    My first three periods were a blur, I had three exams but I knew I got 100% on all of them. By the time lunch rolled around Brandon and his 6'5 frame and I had plans for lunch. I met up with Brandon in the courtyard "Hey, how were your exams??" Brandon asked as I walked up to him "I think I did pretty good, but I'm not sure." I said. "I'm positive you passed." Brandon said. This compliment made me smile. "What about you? How'd your exams go?" I asked. "I don't actually know, I've probably passed but I'm definitely not as smart as you." Brandon said. Was he flirting with me?? I wondered. "Well we better get going if we want lunch." He said as we started walking.

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