Chapter 6

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    The next day when i entered French this person was sitting in Claire's spot, she looked exactly like Claire. The same shoulder length black hair, the same golden eyes, even the same Snow White skin tone. The only difference was this girl's face was swollen and unrecognizable. Forgetting about the girl I made my way over to my spot beside Brandon "Hey, who's that new girl on Claire's spot??" I asked. "What do you mean 'new girl'? Claire's sitting in her spot." "What! What happened to her face??" I whisper-yelled. "Some guy beat her up after school yesterday." "Omg..." I said, Brandon responded with "What!?" "I know who did it." I got up and walked out of class, I headed to my brothers class hoping he would be there. When I got there I looked through the door window. Good. I thought, he was actually in class. I opened the door and asked "May I talk to Ryan and Jackson??" They both got up and met me in the hallway. "Which one of you beat up Claire!?" The twins exchanged looks. "Well which one of you did it!" Jackson glared at Ryan, which kind of gave it away. Jackson who I know didn't do it backed away and went back into the class. "Why the hell would you do that!" "Well, when Jackson told me what she did to you. My fists just took control, but hey. Jackson and I both gave her the older brother speech, and dad probably did too. She deserved what was coming for her." After he said that he backed up and left. Why were 18 year old boys so irritating(Sorry to any 18 year old boys). I stormed off feeling so pissed off, without thinking I went to the canopy where Brandon took me on their first 'date'?

         When I got inside I saw Brandon sitting there looking at his phone. "Why are you here??" I said hoping I didn't sound rude. "Well, why hello to you too." He chuckled. Damn why'd he have to be so good looking. I went to sit next to him giving him a hug in the process. He pulled me on to his lab. The pushed the hair covering my face behind my ears. "My brother was the one who beat up Claire." Brandon didn't say anything. I moved myself onto the floor and curled up into a ball. Brandon moved himself onto the floor putting his arms around me, and we talked until we fell asleep.
I woke up to Brandon shaking me with a frightened look bon his face. "We have to go!" Still a little foggy from sleep. "What?" "We never went home last night, we missed curfew." "Shit!" We hurriedly got our stuff together and ran our separate ways.

I stopped on my street about 5 minutes later. Jeez I thought, it must've been around 3:00 in the morning. I looked around making sure nobody was there. I quietly crept to my parents house and found my bedroom window. Before I climbed up the brick wall I quietly chucked to myself and thought, who would've thought me, apart of the elite family would miss curfew, but who would've thought my parents the elite family would plan to overthrow the government?? Ending that thought as fast as I could, I adjusted my bag  and started to climb finding all the little nooks and crannies. I opened my window, went inside and went to bed.

I woke up a couple of hours later already in my uniform, deciding not to change heading downstairs. I saw that my parents weren't there. Like I did the last time I crept into the study, stopping dead in my tracks. Why was Brandon there!? Brandon shifted his head to where I was hiding, when he met my eyes he gave me the look, the look that said 'it's not what it looks like.' Not wanting to see anything more I turned my back and left the crawl space. When I got into the kitchen my brothers immediately said "Where were you last night?". That was it i was done with all the lying. "I was with Brandon." I said grabbing a piece of toast and inspecting it before taking a bite out of it. "Who the fuck is Brandon?" Jackson half demanded. "He's my boyfri-" I stopped to think. Was he my boyfriend? "Your boyfriend." Ryan finished for me. "Sort of." "I don't care if he's your boyfriend of your friend with benefits. I want to meet him." "He's not a friend with benefits! As long as you don't scare him away, you can talk to him." Luckily, today was Friday so I wouldn't have to got to school for two days. I grabbed my bag and headed off to school.

The day zipped by, not having a thought about Claire or Brandon. Then I got a text from Brandon.

can I explain?

I mean what was there to explain. He had joined the other side probably told them everything we knew.

Fine. Meet me at my house in 10 minutes.

I turned left facing my house. The thing was he didn't know my address, so I'd be shocked if he found my house. I thought as I made my way one step closer to my house.

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