Chapter 8

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I grabbed my clothes from my room and headed to the bathroom, and got changed. When I came back Brandon was sitting on my bed with a notebook in his hands. I walked in and sat next to him. "What's this??" I asked, letting curiosity get the best of me. "Oh, I was actually just about to tell you. It's everything you need to know about our parents overthrowing the government." He said keeping his voice a low whisper, making sure nobody except me heard him. I briefly flipped through the pages seeing the odd tear or doodle, when I reached the end there were a couple empty pages left to yet be filled. "WOW, from the few meetings you've gone to you've gathered this much information." I said, astonished. "Actually, I didn't write anything except for the last few pages. I was snooping through my mom's stuff and I found this." he said.

I leaned over and buried my face into his chest, along with a big hug. "Thank you, Brandon." I said truly greatful. "Aiden?" he asked. "Yes?" "My family is hosting a huge banquet, and i was wondering if you'd be my date?" He asked me nervously. "Yes! Brandon yes!" I said gleaming with joy. Then suddenly my brothers ran into the room "Brandon. Aiden. Grab your stuff and get out of the house." They said out of breath. Confused I grabbed a bag and and started packing, heard Brandon trying to calm them down. I ended packing three pairs of pants, two shirts and a sweater.

I grabbed that bag and Brandon's then I walked over to where the boys were, dropping Brandon's bag by his feet. "Okay, Ryan what's going on??" I asked my brother. "Mom and Dad are planning to overthrow the government. I was folding the laundry when I found a journal in dad's sock drawer, curios I opened it and saw something I regretted." "Ryan, it's okay. We both know, we've known for a while now." Brandon said. "Wait. Hold the phone. You knew!? Why didn't you say anything?? Never mind that, we have to go." Jackson said. Ryan went into their room, and came out with two duffle bags. He handed one to his twin, as soon as the bag came into Jackson's possession, we each slung our bags across our shoulders, and climbed out the window. Even though it was about 8:00 it was still dark out. Since it was still dark out we were less likely to get caught climbing out my window. That would be hard to explain why four teenagers were climbing out a bedroom window.

When we all made it to the street level Jackson was the first one to speak. "So, what now? Where do we go?" "I know." I said, dropping a glance to Brandon. I turned in the direction of our canopy, and ran hoping the others would follow.

When we got there the sun had risen, and was almost at the center of the sky. Again Jackson was the first one to speak. "What is this place?" He asked. I ignored him and went inside. The boys followed me in. I sat down putting my duffle bag beside me. "Here's a couple blankets and pillows, you guys should get some rest, we'll be up early." I said grabbing a pillow for myself and Brandon. I scooted over to where he was and set down the pillows, while he draped a blanket across our legs. When he was comfortable I laid down facing him. "I love you." Brandon said. I moved closer to Brandon and wrapped my arms around his.

Blood. Blood everywhere, children screaming, loud pops of what I thought were guns. I looked over to my left, where I saw a stack of body's. At the top I saw three heads mounted on poles like a victory marking. No. I saw three familiar faces. Two identical ones, and one of my beloved Brandon. "Wake up. Aiden, wake up!". Suddenly I shot up, covered in sweat. When I opened my eyes I saw three candle lit faces looking concerned.

When I saw their faces I cried with a mix of joy,relief and terror. Brandon outstretched his arms, and pulled me into a warm embrace and whispered in my ear that it was going to be okay. "I'm fine guys you can go back to sleep." I told my brothers "Are you sure?? It's no problem for us to stay up." Jackson said. "No, really guys I'm fine. Get your rest." They gave me one last concerning glance and laid down backs facing me. I put my arms around Brandon's who still had me in an embrace. That night I fell asleep in Brandon's embrace. Sleeping for the rest of the night.

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