Chapter 7

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            I was in my room doing homework when I heard a knock on my bedroom door. "Come in." I said. It was Brandon. "Can I explain??" "Shoot" I said angrily. "The night before last I confronted my mother, and said I wanted to attend the meetings. She said I could go to them and I was going to tell you at school today but you'd already found out." "So, you're on their side." I snapped. "No, I wanted to find out their plans, of which I did. I found out they're gonna do it in two months time." He said. I just sat there speechless. "I could never be on their side, against you." "Hey do you want to stay the night??" I asked. "Sure, let me go home and grab some stuff." There he left my room giving me a kiss on the cheek.

He returned about 20 Minutes before curfew. I greeted him with a hug from behind. "I missed you." I said, muffled by his sweater. "I missed you more." He replied. Then he turned around and gave me a quick peck on the lips. I looked at the clock. 11:30. Neither of us had class tomorrow, but I was getting tired so I suggested that we got ready and went to bed. I went to brush my teeth while he got changed. I then headed to my room to go get changed into pyjamas. I ended up wearing a long t-shirt That went up to about my mid thigh. When I was done changing I opened the door and let Brandon in. When I opened it I saw that my brothers were talking to him, probably giving him another kiss speech. I left the door open and got into bed. About 5 minutes later Brandon came into the room shutting the door behind him, and crawling into bed with me. When he was fully in bed I turned so my back was against his abs, and curled up into a ball. His next move was wrapping his arms around me so I was trapped which wasn't necessarily a bad thing. Then he whispered "I love you Aiden." as soon as he said that I knew it was sincere. "I love you too." I whispered back. Then I rolled over so my face was only millimetres away from his, all I could see was a big toothy smile that could've been seen from a mile away. I shifted my body so that my head was against his chest, and I wrapped my arms around his torso. That night I fell asleep to the warmth of my boyfriend, Brandon.

I woke up to an empty bed, was last night a dream?? No, it couldn't have been. Then I looked over and saw Brandon's bag on the floor, so I knew it wasn't a dream. Today was Saturday so I didn't have to worry about getting ready for school. I headed downstairs to hunt for Brandon when I saw him making something on the stove, with Jackson, I'm guessing instructing him. "Hey gorgeous." "Why, Thank you." Jackson said. "I wasn't talking to you moron. Whatcha cookin??" I asked. "Aww." Brandon said with a tone of disappointment. "I wanted to make you a breakfast in bed." "Well you can still make me breakfast." I said thankful that Ryan wasn't cooking. Hopefully Brandon was a better cook. Brandon finished the breakfast which consisted of scrambled eggs yolk free and some French toast. Luckily Brandon nearly was a better cook than Ryan. When we finished breakfast Brandon and I went to the crawl space that led to the study. When we reached the study, it was empty. "Why is it empty??" I asked. Not meaning to get a response. Brandon thought about for a second then said "Actually, I don't know." We turned around and headed back to the kitchen where we saw my dad talking to Ryan and Jackson. We quietly got out of the crawl space and I went up to my dad and said "Morning Dad." "Morning to you too. And who is this??" "Dad, this is my boyfriend Brandon." "Nice to meet you sir." Brandon said outstretching his hand. My father took it and said "You better be good to my daughter." "Don't worry dad, We already gave him the speech." Jackson and Ryan said in sync. We said goodbye to my brothers and my dad, and headed upstairs.

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